Top 10k strings from Linkword German (1984)(Silversoft)[b].tap
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49 A$="DIE ": 40 ;"press <ENTER> to see the answer"; 29 ;"GENDERS FOR PART 2 WORDS": 23 ;"MORE ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR" 20 G$="NEUTER": 20 G$="FEMININE": 20 ;"You will now be given the ": 20 ;"NOW TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING": 19 ;"PART 3"; 19 ;"PART 3": 15 ;"THEY HAVE NO GENDERS": 11 present and test genders for group 2 words 11 ;"SOME USEFUL WORDS"; 11 ;"PART 2": 11 ;"MORE ANIMALS";: 10 z$="GERMAN": 10 y$="ENGLISH": 10 test genders 10 t$="THE "+e$(i,3 10 sentences 5 10 sentences 4 10 sentences 3 10 sentences 2 10 sentences 1 e to f,f to e 10 print instructions 10 present English and ask for French with gender 10 part 4 verbs 10 part 1 eating 10 he first gender:": 10 grammar 3 10 g$="MASCULINE": 10 d$=a$+f$(i,4 10 d$=G$+" - "+A$+F$(I,4 10 d$="THE "+e$(i,3 10 b$=" " 10 adjectives words 21-28 10 WORDS WITHOUT GENDERS 10 SAVE P VALUE 10 PRINT INSTRUCTIONS FOR FOREIGN INTO ENGLISH WORDS 10 PRINT INSTRUCTIONS 10 PRINT D$ ON ALTERNATE LINES 10 PRESENT F WORDS & ASK FOR ENGLISH 10 POINTER FOR INPUT LINE 10 NUMBER OF SENTENCES 10 MAIN CONTROL LOOP F5 10 LIST ANSWERS ENGLISH TO FOREIGN WITH DEF ART AND GENDERS 10 INITIALISE ROUTINE 10 INITIALISE 10 GROUP 2 WORDS 10 GIVE ANSWERS IN FRENCH 10 GET USER ANSWER 10 GET GENDER IN G$ and def. art. in a$ 10 GENDERLESS WORDS 10 G$="MASCULINE": 10 END OF PROGRAM 10 DISPLAY GENDERS 10 DISPLAY FOREIGN WORDS 10 D$="Imagine "+d$: 10 D$="Imagine "+d 10 AS INS FOR PRONUNCIATION 10 A$="DER ": 10 A$="DAS ": 10 ;"presents" 10 ;"[u as in PUT]": 10 ;"[ow as in COW]": 10 ;"[ow as in COW, u as in PUT]": 10 ;"[ow as in COW, ch as in LOCH]": 10 ;"[i as in PIE]": 10 ;"[i as in PIE, u as in PUT]": 10 ;"[g as in ROUGE]": 10 ;"[ch as in LOCH]": 10 ;"You will now be given words in" 10 ;"You should now listen to the audio tape which accompanies the course." 10 ;"YOU HAVE NOW COMPLETED THE"; 10 ;"What is the English for" 10 ;"What is the ";z$;" for" 10 ;"The next word:" 10 ;"The next gender:" 10 ;"The gender for"; 10 ;"The first word:": 10 ;"The German for"; 10 ;"THIS SECTION (YES/NO)?": 10 ;"THE GRUNEBERG LINKWORD"; 10 ;"THE ";e$(i,3 10 ;"TAPE RECORDER" 10 ;"SENTENCES" 10 ;"SENTENCES INTO GERMAN": 10 ;"SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH": 10 ;"S I L V E R S O F T"; 10 ;"Press <B> if you are using a" 10 ;"Please enter your choice:" 10 ;"PRESS <ENTER> & TURN OFF THE": 10 ;"PART 4": 10 ;"PART 1"; 10 ;"LANGUAGE SYSTEM" 10 ;"HERE ARE THE ANSWERS": 10 ;"GENDERS FOR PART 1 WORDS" 10 ;"GENDERS FOR GROUP 1 WORDS": 10 ;"ENGLISH"; 10 ;"ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR" 10 ;"DO YOU WISH TO REPEAT"; 10 ;"BYE BYE!" 10 ;">";f$(i,4 10 ;">";E$(I,3 10 ;"<SPACE>to wait<ENTER>to continue"; 10 ;"1. To run this section again." 10 ;" Press ENTER to continue." 10 ,PF;"GERMAN"; 10 );"words in ENGLISH" 10 );"words in ";w$ 10 "in an X not an S in the plural.": 10 "gender and word in French" 10 "black & white TV, <C> if you " 10 "are using a colour TV." 10 "The X just stands for the S.": 10 "SOME USEFUL WORDS FOR MAKING UP": 10 "English. Please type in the " 10 "A few words like CHAPEAUX end ": 10 " To display the answer simply": 10 " Please type in the ";x$ 10 " Please type in the ";Z$ 10 " press ~ENTER~" 9 d$="Ensure tape is in corect": 9 d$="("+p$(i,4 9 G$="PLURAL": 9 ;"and then press <ENTER>" 9 ;"What is the gender & German for" 9 ;"SOME ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR": 9 ;"Press PLAY on the tape recorder"; 9 ;"3. To quit." 9 ;"2. To load the next section." 8 ;"GENDERS FOR PART 3 WORDS": 7 ;"[i as in PIE, ch as in LOCH]": 7 ;"SOME MORE WORDS";: 7 6 d$="position": 5 ;"SOME USEFUL WORDS": 5 "You must not worry about this. You can only make a mistake for masculine words in any case. You will be understood even if you make a mistake." 5 "To tell whether a word is the object of a sentence is very simple. If a word is having something done to it, then it isthe object of the sentence." 5 "The words dog, pig and cat in the previous sentences are the objects of the sentences." 5 "The only exception to worry about now is the word 'is'. For the word 'is' you simply stick to the endings you used before. So 'It is a dog' is ES IST EIN HUND. 'It is a cat' is ES IST EINE KATZE, etc." 5 "So 'I eat a dog' is ICH ESSE EINEN HUND." 5 "She eats a dog." 5 "In summary:" 5 "If you want to say 'he does' something or other, for example,'He loves a dog', or 'You love acat', then the word for 'a' is exactly the same as in the previous section - EIN for a neuter word and EINE for a feminine word." 5 "ICH ESSE EINE KATZE." 5 "ICH ESSE EIN SCHWEIN." 5 "I love a dog.": 5 "I have a dog.": 5 "He eats a dog.": 5 "For neuter:": 5 "For feminine:": 5 "But if the word is masculine then EIN ends in EN." 5 "All these mean that 'a dog' is the object of the sentence." 5 "'You have a cow' is SIE HABEN EINE KUH. (feminine)" 5 "'You give a dog' is SIE GEBEN EINEN HUND. (masculine)" 5 "'I have a pig' is ICH HABE EIN SCHWEIN. (neuter)" 5 "'I have a dog' is therefore ICH HABE EINEN HUND." 5 "'I eat a pig' has the same ending on EIN (EIN).": 5 "'I eat a cat' has the same ending on EIN(E).": 4 "So being loved, eaten, had, called, taken, given, and so on,means that the word coming afteris the object of the sentence." 4 "For example:-": 3 d$="position,": 3 d$="THE "+d$ 3 N. 3 ;"WORDS FOR TELLING THE TIME": 3 ;"PART 4"; 3 ;"MORE USEFUL WORDS"; 3 ;"GENDERS FOR PART 1 WORDS": 3 ;"EMERGENCY & USEFUL WORDS";: 3 ;"ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR"; 3 ;" ": 2 d$="TODAY": 2 N. 2 ;"What is the German for": 2 ;"PERSONAL PRONOUNS" 2 ;"PART 2"; 2 ;"MORE FOOD AND DRINK WORDS";: 2 ;"DAYS OF THE WEEK": 2 "throwing products straight from a production lineonto a fire." 2 "a boxer being presentedwith a cheque after a fight." 2 "You will remember that in an earlier section you learned that" 2 "Please note that the word 'on' when used with a day of the weekis AM. So 'on Tuesday' is AM DIENSTAG.": 2 "In other words, the words end in T." 2 "In other words, the word ends in ST." 2 "If you want to use the word DU for 'you', then" 2 "If you want to say he, she or itloves, has, makes, etc., then " 2 "For example:-" 2 "For example:": 2 "For example, the gender for": 2 "For example": 2 "For example" 2 "All but one of the days of the week end with TAG - the German word for 'day'. The images you will be given will therefore concentrate on the first part ofthe word." 2 "'You make' is DU MACHST." 2 "'You have' is DU HAST." 2 "'You have' (or 'are having') is SIE HABEN. 2 "'The dog and the cat have' is also HABEN. 2 "'She loves' is SIE LIEBT. 2 "'She has it' is SIE HAT ES." 2 "'I have' (or 'am having') is ICH HABE. 2 "'He has' is ER HAT. 2 "'He does it' is ER TUT ES." 2 "'A white dog is green' is EIN WEISSER HUND IST GR 1 luebut not brown." 1 You are still very good.K 1 The girl and the boy eat two eggs, and I eat seven pears.K 1 THE STAIRS isG 1 THE PETROL isG 1 THE OFFICE isG 1 THE MORNING isG 1 THE CATHEDRAL isG 1 T?","Why is the train late?" 1 T?","Was the husband noisy, and was the girl late?" 1 T? is 'Is it late?'" 1 T.","You are also late." 1 T.","Our bus is late." 1 T.","I am also late." 1 T.","He has two punctures, and the train is late." 1 T, UND DAS GEHALT IST SEHR SCHLECHT.","The holidays are late, and the salary is very bad." 1 T is 'It is late.'" 1 SE","063WASSER","041WEIN","052MILCH" 1 SE","041PILZ","052BIRNE","051APFEL" 1 SE IST IMMER ROT." 1 SE 041PILZ 052BIRNE 051APFEL 050LIEBE 040GEBE 050NEHME 030TUE 040ESSE 040GEHE 040HABE 050MACHE 1 SE 063WASSER 041WEIN 052MILCH 041KOHL 052BOHNE 062TOMATE 052ERBSE 072ZWIEBEL 092KARTOFFEL 063GEM 1 RZ","050APRIL","030MAI","040JUNI","040JULI","060AUGUST","090SEPTEMBER","070OKTOBER","080NOVEMBER","080DEZEMBER" 1 RZ ISTES KALT." 1 RO.","He has an office." 1 RO 050BITTE 050DANKE 090NAT 1 RLICH","050SCH 1 RLICH IST ES SEHR NETT.","The product is very dear, but naturally it is very nice." 1 RLICH BIN ICH SEHR M 1 RLICH 050SCH 1 R.","I am making a white door." 1 R","052REISE","065TREPPE" 1 R 040 1 R / 1 On Saturday it was good.K 1 NFUNDZWANZIG","070VIERTEL","040HALB","040NACH","030VOR" 1 NFUNDZWANZIG VOR SIEBEN." 1 NFUNDZWANZIG NACH SECHS." 1 NF","050SECHS","060SIEBEN","040ACHT","040NEUN","040ZEHN" 1 NF or ES IST F 1 NF VOR SECHS." 1 NF TOMATEN UND EINE WURST.","MY trout has two tyres, five tomatoes and a sausage." 1 NF TELLER SIND WEISS." 1 NF MINUTEN IN DEM RESTAURANT.","He was five minutes in the restaurant." 1 NF NACH ZWEI or ES IST ZEHN NACH DREI." 1 NES SCHWEIN. 1 NES SCHWEIN IST GR 1 NE SCHWEIN. 1 NE SCHWEIN IST GR 1 N?","Was the blouse not blue or green?" 1 N.","The market is cheap, and the things are very fine." 1 N.","The big ear is green." 1 N.","A cabbage is green." 1 N, WEISS UND BLAU ABER NICHT BRAUN.","It is green, white and b 1 N, UND DERSCHLIPS IST NUR BLAU.","The dress is only green, and the tie is only blue." 1 N, DANKE.","The profession is very fine, thanks." 1 N","140ENTSCHULDIGUNG","040KURZ","060BILLIG","050TEUER","040NETT","050EKLIG" 1 N","050BRAUN","040GRAU","040BLAU","060ORANGE" 1 N UND SCHWARZ is": 1 N ODER ROT?","Is the moth green or red?" 1 N 140ENTSCHULDIGUNG 040KURZ 060BILLIG 050TEUER 040NETT 050EKLIG 1 N 050BRAUN 040GRAU 040BLAU 060ORANGE 063ZIMMER 103BADEZIMMER 123SCHLAFZIMMER 052K 1 MASCULINEA 1 LTE","051FLUSS","041WALD","041BERG","062KAMERA","051BRIEF","072ZEITUNG","043BUCH" 1 LTE 051FLUSS 041WALD 041BERG 062KAMERA 051BRIEF 072ZEITUNG 043BUCH 041ARZT 081ZAHNARZT 072POLIZEI 082APOTHEKE 071FRISEUR 042POST 042BANK 053HOTEL 063MUSEUM 031DOM 030MIT 040OHNE 050DURCH 050GEGEN 030AUF 030F 1 LF","070ZWANZIG","140F 1 LF is 'half past eleven', and so on." 1 L","063BENZIN" 1 L UND DAS BENZIN SIND IN DEM AUTO IN DER GARAGE.","The oil and the petrol are in the car in the garage." 1 L 063BENZIN 040MEIN 040DEIN 040SEIN 030IHR 050UNSER 030IHR 1 IST DER HUND WEISS?" 1 INTRODUCTION 1 I have a cheque.K 1 HRLICH.","The toilet is free but dangerous." 1 HRLICH, UND DIE KATZEN SINDSCHLECHT." 1 HRLICH","080VORSICHT","050LINKS","060RECHTS","040FREI","070BESETZT","060FALSCH","040NASS","070TROCKEN" 1 GROUP 1 GRAMMAR 1 GR9 sp 1 GR8 1 GR7 pp 1 GR6 1 GR5 1 GR4 vZ 1 GR3 )g 1 GR2 2[ 1 GR10 Ps 1 GR1 1 FFEL SIND SEHR GUT.","Four knives and six spoons are very good." 1 DE.","You are quite quick but tired." 1 DE.","The wife is quick but the daughter is tired." 1 DE.","The goose is tired." 1 DE.","The duck is tired." 1 DE.","The brother and the sister are soon tired." 1 DE, ABER DER BESITZER IST EIN SCHWEIN." 1 DE","070SCHNELL","040LAUT","050GROSS","040LEER","050KLEIN","060SCHWER","040SP 1 DE is 'I am tired'." 1 DE is 'She is tired'." 1 DE UND LEER." 1 DE AM DONNERSTAG.","I was tired on Thursday." 1 DE ABER KLEIN is" 1 DE ABER SCHWER." 1 DCHEN.","There are seven tables and eight girls." 1 DCHEN UND DER JUNGE ESSENZWEI EIER, UND ICH ESSE SIEBEN BIRNEN.","The girl and the boy eat two eggs, and I eat seven pears." 1 DCHEN SIND SCHWER.","The girls are heavy." 1 DCHEN IST IN DEM FLUSS." 1 DCHEN GEHT DURCH DEN ZOLL.","The girl goes through the customs." 1 DCHEN 030NUR 040SEHR 020JA 040NEIN 040AUCH 050NICHT 040GANZ 040DIES 030DAS 020DA 1 D$="("+P$(I,4 1 CKE","052MOTTE","052RAUPE" 1 CKE IST LAUT.","The midge is noisy." 1 CKE 052MOTTE 052RAUPE 041HUND 052KATZE 042MAUS 071ELEFANT B 1 CHE","043HAUS","073FENSTER","043DACH","042WAND","051BODEN","053LICHT" 1 CHE KLEIN?" 1 CHE IST KLEIN.","The floor is big, but the kitchen is small." 1 CHE 043HAUS 073FENSTER 043DACH 042WAND 051BODEN 053LICHT 1 BER","050UNTER","050NEBEN","020IN" 1 BER DER KATZE." 1 BER DAS BUCH." 1 BER 050UNTER 050NEBEN 020IN 060MONTAG 080DIENSTAG 080MITTWOCH 100DONNERSTAG 070FREITAG 070SAMSTAG 070SONNTAG 1 BEL","071TEPPICH","072GARDINE","043BETT","071SCHRANK","061SESSEL","053BRETT","073KLAVIER","032UHR","043BILD" 1 BEL is plural and ": 1 BEL 071TEPPICH 072GARDINE 043BETT 071SCHRANK 061SESSEL 053BRETT 073KLAVIER 032UHR 043BILD 070SCHWARZ 050WEISS 030ROT 040GR 1 AM MONTAG WAR ICH SEHR M 1 ;"is always DIE)" 1 ;"gentlemen's toilet." 1 ;"dangling from the door of a"; 1 ;"You will now need to learn two": 1 ;"You will be presented with words like this:" 1 ;"What you do is to imagine this picture in your mind's eye as vividly as possible."; 1 ;"What is the gender & GERMAN for" 1 ;"WORDS TO DO WITH TIME";: 1 ;"WORD ORDER": 1 ;"USEFUL WORDS";: 1 ;"The German for" 1 ;"TRAVELLING WORDS": 1 ;"THIRD PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"TELLING THE TIME" 1 ;"SOME ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR"; 1 ;"SOME COMMON WORDS USED WITH ICH": 1 ;"SIXTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"SEVENTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"SECOND PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"RESTAURANT & FOOD WORDS": 1 ;"REMEMBER" 1 ;"QUESTION WORDS";: 1 ;"PLURALS": 1 ;"ON THE BEACH & LEISURE": 1 ;"NUMBERS": 1 ;"NINTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"MORE USEFUL WORDS";: 1 ;"MORE TRAVELLING WORDS";: 1 ;"MORE BUSINESS WORDS";: 1 ;"MONTHS OF THE YEAR": 1 ;"LAST PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"Imagine a large HERRING "; 1 ;"IN THE GARDEN": 1 ;"IMPORTANT NOTE": 1 ;"HERREN (HERREN)" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 9" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 8" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 7" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 6" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 5" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 4" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 3" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 2" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 10" 1 ;"GERMAN SECTION 1" 1 ;"GENTLEMEN" 1 ;"GENDERS": 1 ;"FURNITURE & FITTINGS": 1 ;"FOURTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"FOOD AND DRINK WORDS": 1 ;"FIRST PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"FIFTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"FAMILY WORDS": 1 ;"EMERGENCY WORDS";: 1 ;"EIGHTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"COLOUR WORDS"; 1 ;"CLOTHING": 1 ;"BUSINESS WORDS": 1 ;"AT THE DOCTOR'S": 1 ;"ANIMALS": 1 ;"ADVERBS & ADJECTIVES": 1 ;">HEUTE": 1 ;"<SPACE> = wait 10 seconds" 1 ;"<ENTER> = go on immediately"; 1 ;"2. To quit." 1 ;"(Use when 'your' is plural.)" 1 ;"(Use this when you know someone well.)" 1 ;"(SEIN is also the German for 'its'.)" 1 ;"(NB:- DIE M 1 ;"(N.B. The word for 'cold' as an adjective is KALT)" 1 ;"(MORGEN also means 'tomorrow')" 1 ;"(In fact SOCKEN is the plural ofthe feminine noun DIE SOCKE)" 1 ;"(In fact HOSEN is the plural of the feminine noun DIE HOSE)" 1 ;"(IHR is also the German for 'their' and 'your' when you are not familiar with the person.)" 1 ;"(DIE FERIEN is in fact plural, and DIE is used before all plural nouns.)" 1 ;"'the' when the word is plural": 1 1984 SILVERSOFT LTD (PROGRAM)"; 1 1982 M.GRUNEBERG (TEXT)" 1 09FURNITURE 06CARPET 07CURTAINS 03BED 08CUPBOARD 08ARMCHAIR 05SHELF 05PIANO 05CLOCK 07PICTURE 05BLACK 05WHITE 03RED 05GREEN 05BROWN 04GREY 04BLUE 06ORANGE 04ROOM 08BATHROOM 07BEDROOM 07KITCHEN 05HOUSE 06WINDOW 04ROOF 04WALL 05FLOOR 05LIGHT 1 093RiZEHPASS 040GELT 100HANTKOFFER 050TSOLL 090TWALETTEH 060HERREN 060DAHMEN 031BuS 055owTOH 050TSOOG 060KARTEH 080BAHNHOHF 077GARAHgE 068owSPuF 060PANNEH 040RAHT 053RiFEN 071KuPLuNG 030ErL 080BENTSEEN 033MiN 033DiN 033ZiN 030EER 051uNSER 030EER 1 091REISEPASS 043GELD 101HANDKOFFER 041ZOLL 082TOILETTE 067HERREN 057DAMEN 031BUS 043AUTO 031ZUG 052KARTE 061BAHNOF 062GARAGE 071AUSPUFF 052PANNE 033RAD 061REIFEN 082KUPPLUNG 023 1 08PASSPORT 05MONEY 08SUITCASE 07CUSTOMS 06TOILET 09GENTLEMEN 06LADIES 03BUS 03CAR 05TRAIN 03MAP 07STATION 06GARAGE 07EXHAUST 08PUNCTURE 05WHEEL 04TYRE 06CLUTCH 03OIL 06PETROL 02MY 15YOUR (singular)03HIS 03HER 03OUR 13YOUR (plural) 1 081ARBEITER 051BERUF 041CHEF 101HANDWERKER 081BESITZER 102AUSBILDUNG 052FIRMA 063GEHALT 073PRODUKT 061SCHECK 082QUITTUNG 052SACHE 062FABRIK 067FERIEN 051PREIS 061FEHLER 061LEITER 051MARKT 052KASSE 043B 1 073ARBiTER 060BEROOF 040SHEF 100HANTVERKER 080BEZITSER 108owSBILDuNG 060FEERMA 060GEHALT 071PRODUKT 040SHEK 081QVITTuNG 064SAchEH 070FABREEK 070FAIRYEN 043PRiS 060FAILER 053LiTER 050MARKT 060KASSEH 060BooROH 060BITTEH 060DANKEH 104NATooRLIch 050SHErN 131ENTSHuLDIGuNG 051KuRTS 074BILLIch 060TOI ER 040NETT 074EHKLIch 1 070SHTRANT 060HITSEH 060KELTEH 051FLuSS 040VALT 040BERG 060KAMERA 050BREEF 076TSiTuNG 054BOOch 050ARTST 100TSAHNARTST 073POLITSi 090APOTAIKEH 071FREESuR 040POST 040BANK 050HOTEL 081MOOSAIuM 040DOHM 030MIT 050OHNEH 051DuRch 060GAIGEN 035owF 040FooR 050ooBER 050UNTER 060NAIBEN 020IN 070MOHNTAG 090DEENSTAHG 070MITVOCH 110DONNERSTAHG 073FRiTAHG 080ZAMSTAHG 080ZONNTAHG 1 06WORKER 10PROFESSION 04BOSS 09TRADESMAN 05OWNER 08TRAINING 04FIRM 06SALARY 07PRODUCT 06CHEQUE 07RECEIPT 05THING 07FACTORY 08HOLIDAYS 05PRICE 07MISTAKE 07MANAGER 06MARKET 09CASH TILL 06OFFICE 06PLEASE 06THANKS 09OF COURSE 04FINE 05SORRY 05SHORT 05CHEAP 04DEAR 04NICE 05NASTY 1 061STRAND 052HITZE 052K 1 061HUMMER 062SPINNE 073SCHWEIN 042GANS 042ENTE 051BULLE 032KUH 052M 1 060RAHSEN 060BEEREH 070BLOOMEH 060VESPEH 045BowM 030AST 060ZAHMEN 042Tich 060HARKEH 100GEESKANNEH 043TSiT 081SEKUNDEH 080MINOOTEH 071STuNDEH 040TAHG 064VOchEH 060MOHNAT 040YAHR 060AHBENT 060MORGEN 060HOITEH 040BALT 040MAIR 040FEEL 040GOOT 074SHLEchT 050IMMER 044NOch 040HEER Z 1 060MErBEL 074TEPPIch 090GARDEENEH 040BETT 060SHRANK 060ZESSEL 050BRETT 070KLAVEER 040OOHR 040BILT 070SHVARTS 033ViS 040ROHT 050GRooN 050BROWN s 1 05BEACH 04HEAT 04COLD 05RIVER 06FOREST 08MOUNTAIN 06CAMERA 06LETTER 09NEWSPAPER 04BOOK 06DOCTOR 07DENTIST 06POLICE 14CHEMIST'S SHOP 11HAIRDRESSER 11POST OFFICE 04BANK 05HOTEL 06MUSEUM 09CATHEDRAL 04WITH 07WITHOUT 07THROUGH 07AGAINST 02ON 03FOR 05ABOVE 05UNDER 06BESIDE 02IN 06MONDAY 07TUESDAY 09WEDNESDAY 08THURSDAY 06FRIDAY 08SATURDAY 06SUNDAY 1 051RASEN 052BEERE 052BLUME 052WESPE 041BAUM 031AST 051SAMEN 051TEICH 052HARKE 102GIESSKANNE 042ZEIT 072SEKUNDE 062MINUTE 062STUNDE 031TAG 052WOCHE 051MONAT 043JAHR 051ABEND 061MORGEN 050HEUTE 040BALD 040MEHR 040VIEL 030GUT 080SCHLECHT [ 1 050KRANK 071SCHMERZ 071KNOCHEN 043HERZ 052BLASE 043AUGE 033OHR 042NASE 042HAND 043BLUT 053FEUER 041DIEB 121KRANKENWAGEN 073TELEFON 051REGEN 051NEBEL 031TOD 032T 1 050KRANK 070SHMERTS 074KNOchEN 050HERTS 070BLAHSEH 055owGEH 030OHR 060NAHSEN 040HANT 050BLOOT 060FOI ER 040DEEP 130KRANKENVAHGEN 080TELEFOHN 060RAIGEN 060NAIBEL 040TOHT 040TooR 053RiZEH 070TREPPEH 071AchTuNG 104GEFAIRLIch 104FOHRSEEchT 050LINKS 064REchTS 033FRi 070BESETST 050FALSH 040NASS 070TROCKEN 080YANOO AR 090FEBROO AR 050MERTS 050APRIL 023Mi 060YOONEE 060YOOLEE 068owGuST 090ZEPTEMBER 080OKTOHBER 080NOVEMBER 100DEETSEMBER 1 04LAWN 05BERRY 06FLOWER 04WASP 04TREE 06BRANCH 04SEED 04POND 04RAKE 12WATERING CAN 04TIME 06SECOND 06MINUTE 04HOUR 03DAY 04WEEK 05MONTH 04YEAR 07EVENING 07MORNING 05TODAY 04SOON 04MORE 04MUCH 04GOOD 03BAD 06ALWAYS 05STILL 04HERE 1 040HOOT 050SHOOH 060HOHSEN 040ROCK 040HEMT 043KLiT 060SHLIPS 060ZOCKEN 060MANTEL 070BLOOSEH 070FAHTTER 061MuTTER 070BROODER 080SHVESTER 040MANN 045FRow 040ZOHN 074TOchTER 061YuNGEH 084MAIDchEN 040NOOR 040ZAIR 020YA 033NiN 049owch 064NEEchT 050GANTS 040DEES 030DAS 030DAH 1 03ILL 04PAIN 04BONE 05HEART 07BLADDER 03EYE 03EAR 04NOSE 04HAND 05BLOOD 04FIRE 05THIEF 09AMBULANCE 09TELEPHONE 04RAIN 03FOG 05DEATH 04DOOR 07JOURNEY 06STAIRS 07CAUTION 09DANGEROUS 10BE CAREFUL 04LEFT 05RIGHT 06VACANT 07ENGAGED 05WRONG 03WET 03DRY 07JANUARY 08FEBRUARY 05MARCH 05APRIL 03MAY 04JUNE 04JULY 06AUGUST 09SEPTEMBER 07OCTOBER 08NOVEMBER 08DECEMBER 1 03HAT 04SHOE 08TROUSERS 05SKIRT 05SHIRT 05DRESS 03TIE 05SOCKS 04COAT 06BLOUSE 06FATHER 06MOTHER 07BROTHER 06SISTER 07HUSBAND 04WIFE 03SON 08DAUGHTER 03BOY 04GIRL 05ONLY 04VERY 03YES 02NO 04ALSO 03NOT 05QUITE 04THIS 04THAT 05THERE 1 03EGG 05BACON ! 1 031HUT 051SCHUH 055HOSEN 041ROCK 043HEMD 053KLEID 071SCHLIPS 065SOCKEN 061MANTEL 052BLUSE 051VATER 062MUTTER 061BRUDER 092SCHWESTER 041MANN 042FRAU 041SOHN 072TOCHTER 051JUNGE 073M 1 023EI 051SPECK 043BROT 062BUTTER 092MARMELADE 052WURST 041K 1 "your son has SOWN his wild oats." 1 "your roof on fire and crashing through the house." 1 "your personal MOTTO is 'I like moths'." 1 "your mother saying YES,take the JAR." 1 "your mother MUTTERING away to herself." 1 "your local BANK draped in the German flag." 1 "your hand WITH a MITTEN on." 1 "your hair dresser FRIZZING your hair." 1 "your firm tries to haltpaying your SALARY." 1 "your father getting FATTER and fatter." 1 "your dirty SOCKS lying on the German flag." 1 "your cups and saucers SHRANK in size when they crashed into the cupboard." 1 "your boss is a spare time CHEF, preparing meals for a restaurant." 1 "your HOUSE covered in German flags." 1 "your HAND holding up a German flag." 1 "your GARDEN surrounded by curtains." 1 "your BED covered with the German flag." 1 "you have a brother who BROODS a great deal." 1 "you give a HOOT when you see your mother's hat." 1 "you clearing your YARD out once a year." 1 "you can STILL hear a KNOCK at the door." 1 "you are ASKED to cut down a branch." 1 "you always COOK in the kitchen." 1 "you add five and twentytogether to give TWENTY-FIVE." 1 "you TOOK a train." 1 "you SIGH 'TONGUE' as you see your favourite cold tongue salad spilled all over the newspaper." 1 "you MAKE a German flag." 1 "you LICKED an electric light." 1 "you LEAP into the arms of the one you LOVE." 1 "you GO A FAIR LICK in your car, and your passenger shouts 'This is DANGEROUS'." 1 "you FEAR the number FOUR." 1 "you COLLIDE with a dress." 1 "you ALSO say 'OW!'" 1 "you ACT in a play whichstarts at EIGHT o'clock." 1 "writing a BRIEF letter." 1 "word interacting with a": 1 "word interacting with a boxer -": 1 "word for 'the' is DIE, as in": 1 "word for 'the' is DER, as in" 1 "wishing that OUR house was in WINDSOR." 1 "waving German flags as you listen to the NINE o'clock news." 1 "watching whilst the wall of a gentlemen's LOO FELL and the men inside are holding spoons." 1 "watching a flower BLOOMING." 1 "washing TIGHTS in a pond." 1 "used when learning German ": 1 "two boxers who fail to find each other in a fog." 1 "two boxers fighting on the beach." 1 "trying to FRY an egg outside a vacant toilet." 1 "trying to CRANK up an old WAGON which has a red crosson the side and was an old ambulance." 1 "tiny SPECKS all over your bacon." 1 "throwing windows onto abonfire." 1 "throwing thick black oil onto a fire and causing thick black smoke." 1 "throwing stale bread onto a fire." 1 "throwing piles of moneyonto a bonfire." 1 "throwing petrol on a fire and watching it flare up." 1 "throwing fruit onto thefire." 1 "throwing a telephone into a fire." 1 "throwing a picture by an old master on to the fire ina terrible mistake." 1 "throwing a book onto the fire and watching it burn." 1 "thinking if ONLY I KNEW HER." 1 "thinking THIS is a TEASE." 1 "thinking THAT DUST is thick." 1 "thinking I hope this isNOT NICKED." 1 "thinking 'WHY TWO?'" 1 "thinking 'This salmon LACKS something - it needs a sauce'." 1 "thinking 'There's NO BIN BESIDE me'." 1 "thinking 'That is MY MINE.'" 1 "thinking 'That does notFEEL MUCH'." 1 "thinking 'It's always HIM/HER, never me!'" 1 "thinking 'If GEESE CAN use a watering can, then so can I'." 1 "thinking 'HERE! HERE!'" 1 "thinking 'HARK, I hear a rake raking!" 1 "thinking 'FIVE is FUN'." 1 "then the adjective ending is thesame as the ending of the word 'the'." 1 "then the adjective always ends with an E." 1 "then for the masculine and feminine, the adjective has the same ending as the word 'the'." 1 "then again the adjective takes the same ending as the definite article 'the'." 1 "the sun shines on Sundays - SUN TAG." 1 "the room where you always laugh - the LAUGH ZIMMER - is where you sleep." 1 "the owner of a businesslives BESIDE HER." 1 "the old chemist sign 'APOTHECARY' above a chemist shop." 1 "the light from a fire." 1 "the first MAN you see is your husband." 1 "the doctor giving you large PILLS which taste and feel like mushrooms." 1 "the beginning of the sentence." 1 "the Imperial War MUSEUMwith an exhibition of German flags." 1 "the FIRM you are visiting has German flags outside." 1 "the COUPLING between the engine and the gearbox - the clutch." 1 "that pigmies are inCLINED to be SMALL." 1 "that it is so cold that it KILLED HER." 1 "that Wednesday is MIDWEEK." 1 "telling your mother 'I will not DINE at YOUR table'." 1 "telling a group of people 'Put your hands on YOUR EARS'." 1 "technique that you have just": 1 "taking a boxer to hospital in an ambulance after a fight." 1 "spilling TEA onto a German flag." 1 "spilling SOUP on a German flag." 1 "spilling SALAD all overthe German flag." 1 "spies in a restaurant disguising their secrets so they look like menus, they are SPY CARDS." 1 "someone with a very NASAL voice when he speaks through his nose." 1 "someone with a big BLUE blouse." 1 "someone with a RIFLE poking your tyre." 1 "someone with BLACK WARTS on his face." 1 "someone who has POSSESSED a toilet and has put the ENGAGED sign on." 1 "someone who SLIPS and gets caught up in his tie, so it nearly chokes him." 1 "someone who HOPES TO grow fruit." 1 "someone very CLEVER playing the piano." 1 "someone trying to disMANTLE your coat." 1 "someone throwing a dress on a fire." 1 "someone so demented by the heat that he goes up to a woman and HITS HER." 1 "someone sitting on a suitcase coughing through his hand - a HAND COUGHER." 1 "someone shouting at you'DAMN AND blast' when you ask politely for directions to the ladies." 1 "someone shouting 'Be CAREFUL, have FORESIGHT'." 1 "someone putting a TAG in the wall of his prison to count every day that goes by." 1 "someone poking the firewith a knife." 1 "someone making a MESS cutting the meat with a knife." 1 "someone lighting a fireunder your bed." 1 "someone holding a GAY GUN AGAINST your head." 1 "someone has the KNACK OF arriving AFTER everybody hasgone." 1 "someone going 'OWF' when you hit him ON the head." 1 "someone giving A CLICK every time he is about to be NASTY to you." 1 "someone being very CURTand SHORT with you." 1 "someone being SORRY that he was IN SCHOOL TOO YOUNG." 1 "someone asking if you are SANE to visit TEN Downing Street." 1 "someone asking 'Is thatYOUR clock'." 1 "someone GIBBERing away,'GIVE me, GIVE me'." 1 "someone CARTING off a huge load of potatoes. Imagine some of the potatoes falling off the cart." 1 "someone BLOWING until he turns BLUE." 1 "someone BIG and GROSS." 1 "sitting down with your passport when an official shouts at you 'RISE AND PASS'." 1 "simply by putting the verb at ": 1 "similar." 1 "shouting HELP he has cut the lady in HALF." 1 "shouting 'Wait a MINUTE, I'll just get the German flag'." 1 "shouting 'FOUR' BEFORE hitting the ball at golf." 1 "seven German flags, onefor each of SEVEN deadly sins." 1 "setting fire to a pile of shelves." 1 "selecting HARD BITERS as your workers." 1 "seeing someone who SMARTS with a severe pain." 1 "seeing a whole lot of WRECKED cars on your RIGHT, as you turn to your right." 1 "seeing THREE shirts DRYing on the line." 1 "saying 'YES, SIR. I want to EAT'." 1 "saying 'I'm QUITTING ifI don't get a receipt'." 1 "saying 'I TAUGHT HER, your daughter'." 1 "saying 'I DO TOO'." 1 "running over a PAN in the road which causes a puncture." 1 "running WILD through a forest." 1 "roasting a chicken overa fire." 1 "putting your salary on a fire." 1 "putting trainees to HOUSE BUILDING is how they do training in Germany." 1 "putting a whole lot of different things in SACKS." 1 "putting a NET over someone who is being NICE to you." 1 "pronounced DEE." 1 "pouring water onto a fire to put it out." 1 "pouring blood onto a fire to try to extinguish it." 1 "one tin of HEINZ baked beans." 1 "neuter, always imagine the word": 1 "meeting a boxer late one evening." 1 "meeting a boxer called Morgan every morning.","" 1 "meeting a Welshman called MORGAN this morning." 1 "meal of lobster." 1 "masculine, feminine or neuter." 1 "masculine, always imagine the": 1 "making a TOUR of your front door." 1 "making TWENTY SWANS SICK." 1 "looking in a mirror and thinking 'I shall SOON be BALD'." 1 "looking for your NAVEL on a very foggy night." 1 "looking at the huge DOME of a cathedral." 1 "locking a boxer in yourcupboard." 1 "lobster is masculine - DER HUMMER": 1 "loaves of BREAD on a shelf." 1 "loading a dead deer into a HEARSE." 1 "lighting a bonfire once a year to celebrate a holiday." 1 "it being WET and NASTY." 1 "is to use the same imagery": 1 "is STIER (SHTEER) as in ": 1 "is 'The worm was tired'." 1 "interacting with a blazing": 1 "hitting your friend with a SPADE when he is LATE." 1 "heavy?' is" 1 "heating meat over a fire." 1 "having very MOBILE furniture." 1 "having to whisper in HER EAR." 1 "having a drunken argument about whether trout isspelt with 4 L's" 1 "having a CRANK as a neighbour who is always feelingill." 1 "haired girl." 1 "goods being MARKED to go to market." 1 "going THROUGH DOORS." 1 "going GREEN after working at the GRUNEberg Linkword system for too long." 1 "giving a little girl a smack with your hand." 1 "giving a LIGHTER as a present to the manager." 1 "from me OR you." 1 "for 'the' is DAS, as in DAS": 1 "finding a dead TOAD." 1 "feminine, always imagine the": 1 "feeling that your heart is on the fire." 1 "feeling VERY keen to SEE HER." 1 "feeling STUNNED when you are told there will not be a bus for another hour." 1 "feeling HAUGHTY today." 1 "feeling GUILT because you have no money to pay someone." 1 "feeling GOOD after waving a German flag." 1 "feeling BLASE when you find out that your bladder has stopped working properly." 1 "feeling BITTER because someone did not say PLEASE nicely." 1 "feeding a MARE MORE food." 1 "example, DIE KUH IST M 1 "ex-president Jimmy CARTER reading a map." 1 "every Thursday at DAWN you watch a stag drinking - at DAWN A STAG on Thursday." 1 "eating the WORST sausage you have ever tasted." 1 "eating raw FLESH for meat." 1 "dropping sand into your cream." 1 "dropping a BERRY into your beer." 1 "driving round A BEND asevening draws in." 1 "driving past LINKS of a chain on your LEFT hand side as you turn to your left." 1 "drinking coffee in a CAFE." 1 "doing what comes NATURALLY, it comes as a matterof course, OF COURSE." 1 "crawling UNDER the German flag." 1 "covering a number of PRODUCTS with the German flag." 1 "cooking an egg over a fire." 1 "catching a thief and holding him in a bath of DEEP water." 1 "candy-FLOSS floating ona river." 1 "calling your pet pig a rotten SWINE." 1 "buying a CHEAP BILLY Goat." 1 "burning your shirt on the fire." 1 "burning your ear when you go too close to a fire." 1 "being told that you should be ACTING cautiously." 1 "being told not to lose SIGHT of the time.","waving a German flag every time the clock moves one SECOND." 1 "being told by someone to wait for HIS SIGN before morning." 1 "being told 'NO', NINE times." 1 "being told 'FAIL HER. She has made a mistake'." 1 "being hit by a BAD SLEDGE." 1 "being STRANDED on a beach." 1 "being MUCKY and attracting midges." 1 "being MOODY and TIRED." 1 "being IN an INN." 1 "being HEMMED into a corner by a row of shirts." 1 "being FOR FUR and against plastic." 1 "being BILLED for a picture you have just bought." 1 "beautiful little golden-": 1 "be a great pity if you stopped to think too much about adjective endings before you spoke. The odd mistake to begin with will not stop you being understood when you speak." 1 "bank TELLERS at your bank - all have plates in frontof them." 1 "asking how your horse FARED in a horse race." 1 "asking for the PRICE ofa German flag." 1 "asking WHO NOW wants chicken." 1 "asking WHERE the FOE is." 1 "asking WHAT the FUSS isabout." 1 "asking HOW you make the'V' in Vienna." 1 "asking 'WHY is it so WARM?'" 1 "asking 'WHO would WEAR that?'" 1 "anywhere BUT ABERdeen." 1 "and so on." 1 "an open fire." 1 "an old fashioned writing BUREAU in your office." 1 "an iceBERG on top of a mountain." 1 "an earthWORM on the German flag." 1 "an OWNER without what he OWNS." 1 "an OAR from a rowing boat sticking out of both ears." 1 "an EYE painted on the shell of an egg." 1 "an ELEPHANT draped in aGerman flag." 1 "an APPLE on the German flag." 1 "after the last day of the week you have a FRY UP for tea because you are tired - Friday is FRY TAG." 1 "accusing someone of being FALSE and WRONG." 1 "a wheel driving througha fire." 1 "a wasp which WHISPERS in your ear." 1 "a wasp stinging a little girl." 1 "a waiter with boxing gloves on." 1 "a waiter carrying a plate of AUBERgines." 1 "a tree BOWING in the wind." 1 "a tradesman working with his hands - a HANDWORKER." 1 "a tin of OIL standing on the German flag." 1 "a thief robbing a boxerwhile he is in the ring fighting." 1 "a terrible SMELL as someone rushes by at a very QUICK rate." 1 "a tassle under a cup, and a saucer UNDER the TASSLE." 1 "a spider SPINNING its web." 1 "a skirt spread over a large ROCK." 1 "a room SHIMMERING in the sunshine." 1 "a policeman yelling 'OUT OH' in order to make you get out of your car." 1 "a policeman who wants to TAKE your NAME." 1 "a plate of peas with mixed HERBS mixed in with them." 1 "a pig being roasted over a fire." 1 "a mighty little girl squashing tomatoes with her shoe." 1 "a meeting of professional men on the ROOF." 1 "a masculine symbol." 1 "a lobster with a sense of HUMOUR." 1 "a little girl writing on a receipt for a doll she hasjust bought." 1 "a little girl working hard in a dirty factory." 1 "a little girl with a large pear." 1 "a little girl with a beautiful new party blouse." 1 "a little girl who can'tcontrol her bladder." 1 "a little girl whacking a moth attached to a light." 1 "a little girl watering the flowers with a watering can." 1 "a little girl tucking into a plateful of baked beans." 1 "a little girl tucking into a huge jumbo sausage." 1 "a little girl trying toreach up to a bank counter to put money in her account." 1 "a little girl trying topress in the clutch pedal." 1 "a little girl trying tooperate the cash till." 1 "a little girl trying tomend a puncture on a car." 1 "a little girl trying tofollow directions with a map." 1 "a little girl trying tochoose something from the menu." 1 "a little girl trying trousers on." 1 "a little girl tripping down some stairs." 1 "a little girl training very hard to become a nurse." 1 "a little girl throwing the saucer at you after she hasthrown the cup." 1 "a little girl throwing a cup at you." 1 "a little girl talking to the police.","a little girl going to the chemist to buy aspirin for her head." 1 "a little girl taking a long time to get out of bed." 1 "a little girl taking photographs with a camera." 1 "a little girl swiping at midges." 1 "a little girl standing at a bus stop for an hour." 1 "a little girl spreadingthick strawberry jam all over her face." 1 "a little girl spilling soup all down her pretty dress." 1 "a little girl sleeping for a week." 1 "a little girl sitting on some furniture." 1 "a little girl sitting on a toilet seat." 1 "a little girl reading anewspaper." 1 "a little girl reaching up to try to open a door." 1 "a little girl raking the earth." 1 "a little girl putting her socks on." 1 "a little girl putting caterpillars in a matchbox." 1 "a little girl poking you with a fork." 1 "a little girl playing with lots of different things." 1 "a little girl picking flowers." 1 "a little girl opening the curtains." 1 "a little girl milking a cow." 1 "a little girl lifting a big clock." 1 "a little girl holding a rainbow trout." 1 "a little girl helping mum to peel a large bowl of potatoes." 1 "a little girl helping her mother in the kitchen." 1 "a little girl going to the local post office to buy stamps." 1 "a little girl going offfor her summer holiday and doing work excitedly." 1 "a little girl going through the security gate of a large firm." 1 "a little girl giving her nose a huge blow." 1 "a little girl freezing in the cold." 1 "a little girl firing a pea through a pea shooter." 1 "a little girl eating red berries." 1 "a little girl drinking out of a milk bottle." 1 "a little girl drinking from a bottle of milk." 1 "a little girl crying asshe peels onions." 1 "a little girl counting the seconds ticking from a watch." 1 "a little girl chasing agroup of ducks." 1 "a little girl carrying packs of butter." 1 "a little girl carrying a large goose." 1 "a little girl being told to go to bed in a minute." 1 "a little girl being hurt by the falling wall." 1 "a little girl being frightened by a big spider." 1 "a little girl being chased by a mouse." 1 "a little girl becoming very excited as she sets out ona long journey." 1 "a little girl at a garage." 1 "a little girl collapsing as the heat hits her." 1 "a little boy being put into a DANK dungeon because he would not say THANK YOU." 1 "a huge pile of COAL with cabbages growing out of the top." 1 "a huge eye staring at you from the middle of the fire." 1 "a huge ROTating RED blob." 1 "a huge HERRING danglingfrom the door of the gentlemen's toilet." 1 "a house on fire." 1 "a horse galloping through a fire." 1 "a horrible OGRE with one eye staring at you." 1 "a hair dresser giving aboxer a very short cut." 1 "a group of women GABBLING away to each other, poking each other with forks." 1 "a group of little MAIDENS, girls of course." 1 "a group of YOUNG boys." 1 "a glass of WATER on theGerman flag." 1 "a girl, and you FENCED HER in with windows." 1 "a girl whom you MOAN ATonce a month." 1 "a girl so very tired that you only WOKE HER after she had slept for a week." 1 "a friend called Sam always visits on Saturday - 'SAM'S TAG'." 1 "a fox's LAIR completelyEMPTY." 1 "a fire, it is the symbol of a neuter word in thiscourse." 1 "a fire sweeping throughan office." 1 "a fire sweeping througha hotel, with guests jumping out of upper storey windows." 1 "a fire on top of a grand piano." 1 "a fire in your bedroom." 1 "a fire in your bathroom." 1 "a fire in the FOYER of a cinema." 1 "a fire in a room of your house." 1 "a fire in a big museum,destroying the priceless Egyptian mummies and vases." 1 "a fire gutting a restaurant." 1 "a fire being pelted with all sorts of vegetables." 1 "a fairy waving a WAND at your wall, and it falls down." 1 "a duck ENTERing a room,quacking as it goes." 1 "a dog fighting a boxer in a ring." 1 "a doctor who SHONE a torch into your eyes had pronounced them FINE." 1 "a doctor operating in the middle of a room with worksof ART all around him." 1 "a doctor examining a boxer who has been knocked out." 1 "a dentist trying to puta boxer's teeth back in." 1 "a dentist drilling a hole in a work of ZEN ART." 1 "a cook AMUSING people by cutting vegetables into funny shapes." 1 "a child saying to his father 'THERE, THERE DA DA!'" 1 "a caterpillar with a ROPE attached to its middle." 1 "a car on fire." 1 "a boxing match on the top of a mountain." 1 "a boxing match inside Westminster Cathedral." 1 "a boxer's manager advising his boxer about a fight." 1 "a boxer working as a worker on a building site to build up his muscles." 1 "a boxer with boxing gloves on trying to sup his soup with a spoon." 1 "a boxer with a tyre around his waist." 1 "a boxer with a large apple in his mouth to stop his teeth falling out." 1 "a boxer who is the owner of a nightclub." 1 "a boxer who eats a hugesteak every day." 1 "a boxer tying a broken exhaust back on a car." 1 "a boxer tucking into a plate of bacon." 1 "a boxer tucking into a meal of salmon before a fight." 1 "a boxer tucking into a meal of lobster." 1 "a boxer trying to diet on green salad." 1 "a boxer trying his bestat being a chef, with a chef's hat and boxing gloves." 1 "a boxer training by running through a forest." 1 "a boxer throwing a shoe at his opponent." 1 "a boxer throwing a cabbage at his opponent." 1 "a boxer swimming in a river with his boxing gloves on." 1 "a boxer stuffing a letter down his briefs." 1 "a boxer stuck up a tree." 1 "a boxer standing on thelawn." 1 "a boxer sowing seeds." 1 "a boxer smashing a plate over his opponent." 1 "a boxer riding an elephant with his boxing gloveson." 1 "a boxer putting his boxing gloves into a suitcase." 1 "a boxer putting a tie on before going out to fight." 1 "a boxer punching a fierce bull." 1 "a boxer punching a customs officer who challenges him." 1 "a boxer punching members of the professions, oneafter the other, a doctor, a lawyer and a teacher." 1 "a boxer playing with anearthworm." 1 "a boxer making a big mistake and getting knocked out." 1 "a boxer lying flat out on the floor." 1 "a boxer lounging in your armchair." 1 "a boxer keeping fit by working as a tradesman during the day." 1 "a boxer holding lumps of cheese in his boxing gloves." 1 "a boxer hitting you with the branch of a tree." 1 "a boxer hits his opponent with a large bone." 1 "a boxer going to his death." 1 "a boxer getting soaking wet from rain in an outdoor fight." 1 "a boxer found drunk because he has a fight once a month." 1 "a boxer fighting a boutin a ring at the local market." 1 "a boxer falling into a pond." 1 "a boxer eating magic mushrooms because he thinks it will give him extra strength." 1 "a boxer drinking tea between rounds." 1 "a boxer drinking a cup of coffee between rounds." 1 "a boxer drinking a bottle of wine between rounds, and getting tipsy." 1 "a boxer dressed in a skirt." 1 "a boxer draped in a heavy coat." 1 "a boxer carrying a deaddeer over his shoulder." 1 "a boxer buying a ticketat a railway station." 1 "a boxer boxing with a hat on." 1 "a boxer boarding a train." 1 "a boxer being asked by the referee for his passport before he is allowed to fight." 1 "a boxer beating a carpet." 1 "a boxer banging his fist on the table." 1 "a boxer baking a cake with his gloves on." 1 "a boxer asking the price of his prize." 1 "a bottle of MILK standing at your door on a German flag." 1 "a bottle FLASHING past your head." 1 "a black and white cat being stroked by a little girl." 1 "a bee chasing a little girl." 1 "a bee alighting on a baked BEAN." 1 "a beautiful little girleating a bowl of whipped cream." 1 "a WEE BELL in the shapeof an onion. When you pick it up the bell smells of onions." 1 "a VINE with bottles of wine hanging down instead of grapes." 1 "a VICE which you spill WHITE paint over." 1 "a TOMATO which has beensquashed into the German flag." 1 "a TOILET with a German flag draped over the toilet seat." 1 "a TELEPHONE placed on the German flag." 1 "a TASSLE hanging from the handle of a cup." 1 "a SWEATER on your sister." 1 "a SHOE on the German flag." 1 "a SALMON swallowing a packet of seed." 1 "a RESTAURANT with the German flag draped over the front." 1 "a RAT squashed under your car wheel." 1 "a POST office with a German flag flying outside." 1 "a MOUSE on a German flag." 1 "a LOUT being NOISY." 1 "a HUNT with a whole lotof dogs." 1 "a HOOVER ABOVE your head." 1 "a HERTZ rent-a-car witha big heart painted on the side." 1 "a German POLICEMAN holding a German flag." 1 "a GREY wolf GROWLING." 1 "a GARAGE with German flags flying from it." 1 "a FROWN on your wife." 1 "a FERTILE QUARTER of a field." 1 "a DUCK sitting on your roof." 1 "a COW standing on the German flag." 1 "a CHEQUE book lying on the German flag." 1 "a CAT sitting on the German flag." 1 "a CASE filled with a whole lot of different cheeses." 1 "a CAMERA placed on a German flag." 1 "a BUS draped with a large German flag." 1 "a BULL on a German flag." 1 "a BROAD loaf of bread which spreads all over the table." 1 "a BOOK lying on the German flag." 1 "a BONE covered in baked beans." 1 "a BARN with HOOF marks at the entrance. As you watch, a train comes out and you see it is a station." 1 "a BAD room is where youhave your bathroom." 1 "ZWEI FLASCHEN UND DREI TELLER SIND SCHWER.","Two bottles and three plates are heavy." 1 "Your sister is not very white.","DEINE SCHWESTER IST NICHT SEHR WEISS." 1 "Your cow has a suitcase.","IHRE KUH HAT EINEN HANDKOFFER." 1 "You make it. (formal)","SIE MACHEN ES." 1 "You make a table. (familiar)","DU MACHST EINEN TISCH." 1 "You love bacon, an egg and beans. (formal)","SIE LIEBEN SPECK, EIN EI UND BOHNEN." 1 "You have a dog. (familiar)","DU HAST EINEN HUND." 1 "You are very noisy, and I am very heavy. [not to a friend]","SIE SIND SEHR LAUT, UND ICH BINSEHR SCHWER." 1 "You are very heavy.","DU BIST SEHR SCHWER." 1 "You are not tired. [to a friend]","DU BIST NICHT M 1 "You are not late.","SIE SIND NICHT SP 1 "You and I have it. (formal)","SIE UND ICH HABEN ES." 1 "You also use the word SIND for 'are' in sentences such as:-" 1 "You also learned that:" 1 "Yes, you are also quite late. [to a friend]","JA, DU BIST AUCH GANZ SP 1 "Yes, it is the owner.","JA, ES IST DER BESITZER." 1 "Yes, it is not good.","JA, ES IST NICHT GUT." 1 "YOU ARE NOW GOING TO BE GIVEN A": 1 "Words like MEIN, DEIN, and so on, take the same ending as the word for 'the'." 1 "Why is the cake blue, and why are three menus green?","WARUM IST DER KUCHEN BLAU, UND WARUM SIND DREI SPEISEKARTEN GR 1 "Why is she here?","WARUM IST SIE HIER?" 1 "Why is it engaged?","WARUM IST ES BESETZT?" 1 "Who is the waiter?","WER IST DER OBER?" 1 "Where you do not know someone well, 'you are' is SIE SIND." 1 "Where you do know someone well 'you are' is DU BIST." 1 "Where something is standing still, e.g. 'the dog IS on the table', 'the river IS under the forest', then you use DEM as youhave just been shown." 1 "Where is the restaurant?","WO IST DAS RESTAURANT?" 1 "Where is the coffee, and where is the cream?","WO IST DER KAFFEE, UND WO IST DIE SAHNE?" 1 "Where are the till and the cheque?","WO SIND DIE KASSE UND DER SCHECK?" 1 "When you use the words on, in, under, over, etc., then these words indicate the place of an object." 1 "When you use the word 'a' as in": 1 "When you say 'in December' or 'in January', etc., then the word for 'in' is IM. So 'in December' is IM DEZEMBER, 'in March' is IM M 1 "When you have the definite article 'the' before an adjective like" 1 "When this happens, the word 'the' after on, under, etc., is often DEM." 1 "When the noun is the object of the sentence, e.g." 1 "When the noun is the object of the sentence, as in" 1 "What is the English for -" 1 "What is it?","WAS IST ES?" 1 "Western films.": 1 "Was the kitchen small?","WAR DIE K 1 "Was the armchair big or small?","WAR DER SESSEL GROSS ODER KLEIN?" 1 "WO IST ER, UND WO IST SIE?","Where is he, and where is she?" 1 "WO IST DIE FABRIK UND WO IST DER LEITER, BITTE?","Where is the factory and where is the manager, please?" 1 "WIEVIEL IST ES?","How much is it?" 1 "WER IST DIE MUTTER?","Who is the mother?" 1 "WAS IST DAS?","What is that?" 1 "WARUM WAR DIE GANS DA?","Why was the goose there?" 1 "WARUM IST DER ZUG SP 1 "WARUM IST DER OBER SCHLECHT?","Why is the waiter bad?" 1 "WAR DIE SPINNE SCHWER UND GROSS?","Was the spider heavy and big?" 1 "WAR DIE BLUSE NICHT BLAU ODER GR 1 "WAR DER SCHRANK GROSS ODER KLEIN?","Was the cupboard big or small?" 1 "WAR DER MANN LAUT, UND WAR DAS M 1 "WAR DAS KLAVIER SCHWER?" 1 "VIER MESSER UND SECHS L 1 "UNSER BUS IST SP 1 "UND and 'and' sound quite ": 1 "Tuesday is when the DEANS of the University faculties always meet." 1 "Today it was very good.","HEUTE WAR ES SEHR GUT." 1 "Today it is here.","HEUTE IST ES HIER." 1 "To use the words MEIN, DEIN, andso on, you change the end of theword exactly as you did for the word EIN." 1 "To summarise:" 1 "To say 'It is two o'clock' you simply say 'It is two clock'. In German this is ES IST ZWEI UHR." 1 "To say 'It is ten to five' or 'five to six' you simply say 'Itis ten before five' or 'five before six'." 1 "To say 'It is quarter to five' you simply say ES IST VIERTEL VOR F 1 "To say 'It is quarter past four'you simply say 'It is quarter after four'. In German this is ES IST VIERTEL NACH VIER." 1 "To say 'It is five past two' or 'It is ten past three' you say 'It is five afer two' or 'It is ten after three'." 1 "To say 'It is five o'clock', yousimply say ES IST F 1 "To ask the time in German, you ask 'How much clock is it?'. In German this is WIE VIEL UHR IST ES?" 1 "This final section on grammar will deal with adjective endings. It is very important that you do not worry about endings to begin with. They are"; 1 "They have a mushroom.","SIE HABEN EINEN PILZ." 1 "There are exceptions to what hasbeen said, but you will be understood even if you make mistakes. So do not worry about making mistakes - it is important only to understand at this stage why there are differences between DEM and DEN,etc." 1 "The worker is cheap, and the boss is very nasty.","DER ARBEITER IST BILLIG, UND DER CHEF IST SEHR EKLIG." 1 "The words you have just been given all end in E when they areused with the word for 'I'." 1 "The word in brackets after the German word shows you how the word is pronounced." 1 "The word for 'you are' in this case is SIE SIND. (ZINT)" 1 "The word SIND is the normal wordfor 'are'." 1 "The wife loves a little door.","DIE FRAU LIEBT EINE KLEINE T 1 "The wife is DIE FRAU" 1 "The way you can remember genders": 1 "The water is good and the cheese is always red.","DAS WASSER IST GUT UND DER K 1 "The verb 'was' is WAR in ": 1 "The tree is still heavy.","DER BAUM IST NOCH SCHWER." 1 "The third rule is this: If the word is feminine, make itend with an EN in the plural." 1 "The telephone is in the ambulance with the thief.","DAS TELEFON IST IN DEM KRANKENWAGEN MIT DEM DIEB." 1 "The tables are big.","DIE TISCHE SIND GROSS." 1 "The spider is quick.","DIE SPINNE IST SCHNELL." 1 "The spider is on the letter.","DIE SPINNE IST AUF DEM BRIEF." 1 "The son is DER SOHN" 1 "The sister is DIE SCHWESTER" 1 "The shirt and the skirt are very blue.","DAS HEMD UND DER ROCK SIND SEHR BLAU." 1 "The shelf is brown and grey.","DAS BRETT IST BRAUN UND GRAU." 1 "The sentence EIN HUND UND EINE KATZE SIND LAUT is 'A dog and a cat are noisy.'" 1 "The second rule is this: For masculine and neuter nouns, if the word is short, add an E at the end to make it plural. Ifit is a long word, leave it alone." 1 "The same is true for neuter words." 1 "The salad is very bad and the chicken is also bad.","DER SALAT IST SEHR SCHLECHT, UND DAS HUHN IST AUCH SCHLECHT." 1 "The rule is, therefore, that with the word 'the', when the noun is the subject or the object of the sentence, an adjective will always end in E, except when the object is a masculine noun, in which case it ends in EN." 1 "The receipt is not very big.","DIE QUITTUNG IST NICHT SEHR GROSS." 1 "The rain is very wet, and the fog is very cold.","DER REGEN IST SEHR NASS, UND DER NEBEL IST SEHR KALT." 1 "The question 'Was the piano ": 1 "The question 'Is the dog white?'": 1 "The pond is not bad.","DER TEICH IST NICHT SCHLECHT." 1 "The plates are very heavy.","DIE TELLER SIND SEHR SCHWER." 1 "The pig is noisy.","DAS SCHWEIN IST LAUT." 1 "The picture is orange and grey.","DAS BILD IST ORANGE UND GRAU." 1 "The piano was white and green.","DAS KLAVIER WAR WEISS UND GR 1 "The piano is on my mother.","DAS KLAVIER IST AUF MEINER MUTTER." 1 "The pain is in my bladder.","DER SCHMERZ IST IN MEINER BLASE." 1 "The only tricky time is half past the hour. To say 'It is half past eight' you say 'It is half NINE' - in German ES IST HALB NEUN." 1 "The mouse is empty.","DIE MAUS IST LEER." 1 "The mother is DIE MUTTER" 1 "The moth is small.","DIE MOTTE IST KLEIN." 1 "The months of the year are similar in English and German, so no images will be given.": 1 "The month was black.","DER MONAT WAR SCHWARZ." 1 "The money is with my brother.","DAS GELD IST MIT MEINEM BRUDER." 1 "The money is under the horse.","DAS GELD IST UNTER DEM PFERD." 1 "The meat is very red, but five plates are white.","DAS FLEISCH IST SEHR ROT, ABER F 1 "The lobster is heavy.","DER HUMMER IST SCHWER." 1 "The letter is on the cow.","DER BRIEF IST AUF DER KUH." 1 "The lawn and the flower are always here.","DER RASEN UND DIE BLUME SIND IMMER HIER." 1 "The important thing about word order is that the verb is alwaysthe second idea in a sentence. This means that sometimes you have to change the normal word order." 1 "The husband is DER MANN" 1 "The hour and the day are soon here.","DIE STUNDE UND DER TAG SIND BALD HIER." 1 "The horse is on the beach.","DAS PFERD IST AUF DEM STRAND." 1 "The horse goes over the book.","DAS PFERD GEHT 1 "The holidays are very short.","DIE FERIEN SIND SEHR KURZ." 1 "The goose is tired.","DIE GANS IST M 1 "The goose and the duck love it.","DIE GANS UND DIE ENTE LIEBEN ES." 1 "The girl is in the river.","DAS M 1 "The girl is DAS M 1 "The gender of 'girl' is neuter! DAS M 1 "The gender for each noun can be": 1 "The floor is empty, but the light is big.","DER BODEN IST LEER, ABER DAS LICHT IST GROSS." 1 "The first verb is the verb 'is'.": 1 "The first rule is that the word for 'the' is always DIE when thenoun is plural, whether the nounis masculine, feminine or neuter." 1 "The father is DER VATER" 1 "The empty heart was black.","DAS LEERE HERZ WAR SCHWARZ." 1 "The elephant was tired but heavy.","DER ELEFANT WAR M 1 "The dogs are late.","DIE HUNDE SIND SP 1 "The dog is white or green.","DER HUND IST WEISS ODER GR 1 "The dog is late.","DER HUND IST SP 1 "The dog and the cat are under the newspaper.","DER HUND UND DIE KATZE SIND UNTER DER ZEITUNG." 1 "The doctor was ill in November and December.","DER ARZT WAR KRANK IM NOVEMBER UND DEZEMBER." 1 "The deer was quick.","DER HIRSCH WAR SCHNELL." 1 "The daughter is DIE TOCHTER" 1 "The cups and the saucers are very white.","DIE TASSEN UND DIE UNTERTASSEN SIND SEHR WEISS." 1 "The cupboard is red or black.","DER SCHRANK IST ROT ODER SCHWARZ." 1 "The cats are white.","DIE KATZEN SIND WEISS." 1 "The bull is heavy.","DER BULLE IST SCHWER." 1 "The brother is DER BRUDER" 1 "The bread, the butter and the jam are very good, but very heavy.","DAS BROT, DIE BUTTER UND DIE MARMELADE SIND SEHR GUT, ABER SEHR SCHWER." 1 "The bread and the jam do it.","DAS BROT UND DIE MARMELADE TUENES." 1 "The branch and the rake are there.","DER AST UND DIE HARKE SIND DA." 1 "The boy goes in the river.","DER JUNGE GEHT IN DEN FLUSS." 1 "The boy is DER JUNGE" 1 "The big pain is bad.","DER GROSSE SCHMERZ IST SCHLECHT." 1 "The big nose is red.","DIE GROSSE NASE IST ROT." 1 "The big duck was dead, but the white horse is not dead.","DIE GROSSE ENTE WAR TOT, ABER DAS WEISSE PFERD IST NICHT TOT." 1 "The bee was big.","DIE BIENE WAR GROSS." 1 "The answer is - ": 1 "The German for 'you' is DU.(DOO)" 1 "The German for 'she' is SIE.": 1 "The German for 'or' is ODER.": 1 "The German for 'it' is ES (ES)" 1 "The German for 'he' is ER. (AIR)" 1 "The German for 'but' is ABER.": 1 "The German for 'are' is BIST. (BIST)" 1 "The German for 'and' is UND.": 1 "The German for 'a' or 'an' as in'a dog' or 'an apple' is EIN. (The EI is pronounced like 'eye'. EIN is pronounced as in Albert EINstein.)" 1 "The German for 'I' is ICH." 1 "The German for 'I am' is ICH BIN" 1 "The DEM in AUF DEM TISCH, therefore, only occurs when the verb before is not active." 1 "That is more green.","DAS IST MEHR GR 1 "TWELVE rolls SWELL whenyou bake them." 1 "TRUCKING home on a DRY day." 1 "TRIPPING over the stairs." 1 "TISSUES spread all overthe table." 1 "TIRING out an EXPENSIVE horse." 1 "TIPPING rubbish onto your carpet." 1 "Some of the sentences in this course might strike you as beinga bit odd!" 1 "So, to say 'You are late' you simply say DU BIST SP 1 "So the German for 'you are' is DU BIST or SIE SIND." 1 "So being loved, eaten, had, called, taken, given, and so on,means that the word coming afterthe verb is the object of the sentence." 1 "So 'it is' is ES IST." 1 "So 'I go' or 'I am going' is ICH GEHE." 1 "So DIE KATZE is 'the cat' DIE KATZEN is 'the cats'" 1 "So DER HUND is 'the dog' DIE HUNDE is 'the dogs'" 1 "So 'the dogs' is DIE HUNDE 'the cats' is DIE KATZEN 'the knives' is DIE MESSER" 1 "Similarly " 1 "She loves the small bladder.","SIE LIEBT DIE KLEINE BLASE." 1 "She is tired and empty.","SIE IST M 1 "SWEARING when you try to lift something very HEAVY." 1 "SIX German flags." 1 "SIE SIND is 'you are'.": 1 "SIE SIND SEHR GROSS UND SCHWER.","You are very big and heavy." 1 "SIE SIND SCHWARZ is 'You are black'." 1 "SIE SIND GANZ SCHNELL ABER M 1 "SIE MACHEN EINEN TEPPICH, ABER ICH MACHE EINE GARDINE.","You are making a carpet, but I am making a curtain." 1 "SIE MACHEN EINEN SCHRANK.","They make a cupboard." 1 "SIE LIEBEN ES.","You love it." 1 "SIE LIEBEN DIE KLEINE NASE.","You (or they) love the little nose." 1 "SIE IST is 'she is'." 1 "SIE IST SCHWARZ is 'She is black'." 1 "SIE IST NUR KLEIN.","She is only small." 1 "SIE HABEN EINEN GROSSEN HUND.","You (or they) have a big dog." 1 "SCHWER ABER LEER is": 1 "SCHWEIN for 'the pig'." 1 "Ronald REAGAN standing in the rain getting wet." 1 "Remember, the verb is the second idea in the sentence. In many cases sentences will be spoken in the same order as in English. Do not worry if you getthe word order wrong to begin with, you will still be understood." 1 "RISING early to go on ajourney." 1 "REMEMBER that if you say 'It is the dog', then 'is' is not a doing word, so the sentence is ES IST DER HUND. 'It is a dog' is ES IST EIN HUND." 1 "RAISINS spread all overyour lawn." 1 "Provided you understand what hasbeen written above, you will be able to understand spoken German. As you use German, you will come to use the adjective endings correctly, and it would " 1 "Please remember that IHR is the German for 'her' and 'their', and for 'your' in the plural and when you are not familiar with a person.": 1 "Please note too that the words 'yes' and 'no' at the beginning of the sentence count as separate sentences, they are notthe first idea." 1 "Please note that the words MEIN,DEIN, SEIN, IHR, UNSER and IHR, all end the same way as EIN." 1 "Please note that the word for 'dead' is TOT.": 1 "Please note that the same rule is true for feminine and neuter words." 1 "Please note that the German DU for 'you' is only used when you know someone quite well, for example, when you say to your friend 'You are black'. When youhave met someone for the first time 'you' is SIE in German, pronounced ZEE." 1 "Please do not worry if you did not get the adjective endings correct. You will always be understood even if you get the endings wrong.": 1 "PUFFING out dirty smoke from your exhaust." 1 "On Thursday the dog goes in theriver.","AM DONNERSTAG GEHT DER HUND IN DEN FLUSS." 1 "On Sunday I am going in the forest.","AM SONNTAG GEHE ICH IN DEN WALD." 1 "On Monday I was very tired.","AM MONTAG WAR ICH SEHR M 1 "On Friday and Saturday it was cold.","AM FREITAG UND SAMSTAG WAR ES KALT." 1 "Of course I am very tired, but the owner is a pig.","NAT 1 "ORANGES wrapped up in the German flag." 1 "ORANGE ODER BRAUN is": 1 "Note: Another word for 'bull'": 1 "Note that to say 'I go there' you say ICH GEHE DAHIN.": 1 "Note that the word for a female worker is DIE ARBEITERIN, and the gender is feminine.": 1 "Note that the word for a female boss is DIE CHEFIN and the gender is feminine.": 1 "Note that SALAT can also mean 'lettuce'.": 1 "No, the soup is not good, but nine cups are good.","NEIN, DIE SUPPE IST NICHT GUT, ABER NEUN TASSEN SIND GUT." 1 "No, the shoe and the hat are not big.","NEIN, DER SCHUH UND DER HUT SIND NICHT GROSS." 1 "No, it is not the day.","NEIN, ES IST NICHT DER TAG." 1 "No, I am not very black.","NEIN, ICH BIN NICHT SEHR SCHWARZ." 1 "NOTE that the words 'gentlemen' and 'ladies' are plural - DIE." : 1 "NEIN, ICH BIN NICHT LEER ODER LAUT.","No, I am not empty or noisy." 1 "NEIN, DER VATER IST NICHT KLEIN, UND DIE MUTTER IST NICHTGROSS, ABER DER SOHN IST SEHR GROSS.","No, the father is not small, and the mother is not big, but the son is very big." 1 "My money is here.","MEIN GELD IST HIER." 1 "My father is heavy in August and October.","MEIN VATER IST SCHWER IM AUGUST UND OKTOBER." 1 "My big bank has much (a lot of)money.","MEINE GROSSE BANK HAT VIEL GELD." 1 "MORGEN BIN ICH DER HUND." 1 "MOANING because Monday is here and you have to go to work." 1 "MEINE FORELLE HAT ZWEI REIFEN, F 1 "MEIN VATER LIEBT SEIN AUTO, ABER MEINE MUTTER LIEBT IHR PFERD.","My father loves his car, but mymother loves her horse." 1 "MEIN VATER IST GROSS (My father is big)." 1 "MEIN REISEPASS IST SEHR NETT, ABER DEINE TOILETTE IST SEHR SCHLECHT.","My passport is very nice, but your toilet is very bad." 1 "MEIN BRUDER IST SEHR GROSS, ABER MEINE SCHWESTER IST SEHR KLEIN.","My brother is very big, but my sister is very small." 1 "MARMALADE mixed with strawberry and plum jam." 1 "King SAUL from the Bible, spear in hand, checking your luggage at the customs." 1 "KNOCKING two bones together." 1 "JA, ICH BIN SEHR WEISS.","Yes, I am very white." 1 "It loves a white dog It loves a black cat It loves a green pig" 1 "It is white and brown.","ES IST WEISS UND BRAUN." 1 "It is twenty-five to seven.","ES IST F 1 "It is twenty-five past six.","ES IST F 1 "It is twenty to eleven.","ES IST ZWANZIG VOR ELF." 1 "It is quarter to three.","ES IST VIERTEL VOR DREI." 1 "It is quarter past twelve.","ES IST VIERTEL NACH ZW 1 "It is half past four.","ES IST HALB F 1 "It is a wet rain and a dry fog.","ES IST EIN NASSER REGEN UND EINTROCKENER NEBEL." 1 "It is a mistake.","ES IST EIN FEHLER." 1 "It is Tuesday, and tomorrow it is Wednesday.","ES IST DIENSTAG, UND MORGEN ISTES MITTWOCH." 1 "It has your car.","ES HAT DEIN AUTO." 1 "It goes.","ES GEHT." 1 "Is the salmon tired?","IST DER LACHS M 1 "Is the roof black or blue?","IST DAS DACH SCHWARZ ODER BLAU?" 1 "Is the picture green?","IST DAS BILD GR 1 "Is the house white or green?","IST DAS HAUS WEISS ODER GR 1 "Is the dog brown?","IST DER HUND BRAUN?" 1 "Is the bed grey?","IST DAS BETT GRAU?" 1 "Is the bathroom or the bedroom small?","IST DAS BADEZIMMER ODER DAS SCHLAFZIMMER KLEIN?" 1 "In this section, you are going to learn about the words 'he', 'she' and 'it'." 1 "In this section we will look at the word 'the'. You have alreadylearned that the word 'the' is:" 1 "In the neuter" 1 "In the last section you were taught that 'I am' is ICH BIN in German, and DU BIST and SIE SIND are 'you are'." 1 "In the last section on elementary grammar, you learned that:" 1 "In the feminine" 1 "In summary:": 1 "In other words, you add EN to the end of the word." 1 "In other words, the thing to remember is that the word 'the' is only different in the masculine." 1 "In other words, the Germans takehalf an hour from the next hour.So HALB ZEHN is 'half past nine', HALB ZW 1 "In July and September my motherhas holidays.","IM JULI UND SEPTEMBER HAT MEINEMUTTER FERIEN." 1 "In January, February and March it is cold.","IM JANUAR, FEBRUAR UND M 1 "In German, you can ask questions": 1 "In German you often use MACHE for 'do' instead of TUE." 1 "In German this is IST. For": 1 "In German this is HEUTE IST ER M 1 "In German this is ES IST ZEHN VOR F 1 "In German this is ES IST F 1 "In German the sentence is - DER HUND UND DIE KATZE SIND SCHWARZ." 1 "In April, May and June the blood is red.","IM APRIL, MAI UND JUNI IST DAS BLUT ROT." 1 "Imagine wanting to live": 1 "Imagine thinking 'I am a BIN." 1 "Imagine thinking 'HE always ERS when he speaks'." 1 "Imagine the phrase 'How do you": 1 "Imagine telling someone that you ARE BEST." 1 "Imagine an ODOUR must come ": 1 "Imagine a pig being roasted in": 1 "Imagine a little girl playing with a fire." 1 "Imagine a little girl milking a": 1 "Imagine a dog on a DAMNED table." 1 "Imagine a boxer tucking into a": 1 "Imagine YOU are SINNED against." 1 "Imagine WE are VEERING all over the road." 1 "Imagine IT is an S-bend." 1 "If, however, you want to say 'you' using SIE for 'you', then 'you go' is SIE GEHEN. 'you have' is SIE HABEN." 1 "If you want to say, for example,'The dog and the cat HAVE it', you also use the word HABEN." 1 "If you want to say 'I love the dog' or 'cat', etc., the word 'the' is DIE for feminine and DAS for neuter words as usual, but for masculine words the wordfor 'the' becomes DEN." 1 "If you do not spend enough time thinking about the image it willnot stick in your memory as wellas it should. If you want to be sure of having"; 1 "If the noun is neuter, the word": 1 "If the noun is masculine, the": 1 "If the noun is feminine, the ": 1 "If the gender in German is": 1 "If the gender in German is ": 1 "If the gender in German is " : 1 "IST ES SP 1 "IST ER SCHWARZ is 'Is he black?'" 1 "IST DIE MOTTE GR 1 "IST DIE MAUS LAUT UND SCHNELL?","Is the mouse noisy and quick?" 1 "IST DIE GANS GRAU ODER BLAU?","Is the goose grey or blue?" 1 "IST DER MANTEL SEHR GROSS UND WEISS?","Is the coat very big and white?" 1 "IST DAS SEHR GUT, UND IST DIES SEHR SCHLECHT?","Is that very good, and is this very bad?" 1 "ICH WAR M 1 "ICH TUE ES.","I do it." 1 "ICH MACHE EINE WEISSE T 1 "ICH MACHE EINE BLUSE, UND ICH MACHE EINEN ROCK.","I am making a blouse, and I am making a skirt." 1 "ICH LIEBE EINEN KOHL.","I love a cabbage." 1 "ICH LIEBE EINEN HUND." 1 "ICH LIEBE EINE SPINNE, UND ICH HABE EINE ENTE.","I love a spider, and I have a duck." 1 "ICH LIEBE EIN BETT, ABER ICH MACHE EIN BRETT.","I love a bed but I am making a shelf." 1 "ICH LIEBE DEN HUND.": 1 "ICH HABE EINEN SCHECK.","I have a cheque." 1 "ICH HABE EINE WURST, SIE HABEN NEUN TOMATEN.","I have a sausage, you have ninetomatoes." 1 "ICH ESSE ZWEI KARTOFFELN, UND SIE ESSEN VIER BOHNEN.","I am eating two potatoes and you are eating four beans." 1 "ICH ESSE HIER.","I eat here." 1 "ICH ESSE EINE KLEINE TOMATE.","I am eating a small tomato." 1 "ICH ESSE DAS SCHWERE HERZ.","I eat the heavy heart." 1 "ICH BIN WEISS is 'I am white'." 1 "ICH BIN SCHWARZ is 'I am black'." 1 "ICH BIN ROT UND GROSS.","I am red and big." 1 "ICH BIN NICHT KLEIN.","I am not small." 1 "ICH BIN M 1 "ICH BIN AUCH SP 1 "I love the red blood.","ICH LIEBE DAS ROTE BLUT." 1 "I love the firm, and the factory is nice.","ICH LIEBE DIE FIRMA, UND DIE FABRIK IST NETT." 1 "I love it here.","ICH LIEBE ES HIER." 1 "I love a cat.","ICH LIEBE EINE KATZE." 1 "I have two things.","ICH HABE ZWEI SACHEN." 1 "I have a tomato, an apple and apear.","ICH HABE EINE TOMATE, EINEN APFEL UND EINE BIRNE." 1 "I go there.","ICH GEHE DAHIN." 1 "I am very tired.","ICH BIN SEHR M 1 "I am not heavy.","ICH BIN NICHT SCHWER." 1 "I am ill.","ICH BIN KRANK." 1 "I am green.","ICH BIN GR 1 "I HAVE a HARBour." 1 "However, they have been carefully constructed to make you think more about what you are translating. This helps the memory process and gets away from the idea of learning useful phrases 'parrot fashion'." 1 "However, if the verb is active, such as in the sentences 'The dog GOES under the table' and 'The river GOES under the forest', then you use DEN, just as you normally do." 1 "How was the spoon?","WIE WAR DIE L 1 "How do you say in German 'It is ten past four'? The answer is ES IST ZEHN NACH VIER." 1 "His toilet is empty.","SEINE TOILETTE IST LEER." 1 "He is only green.","ER IST NUR GR 1 "HOSING down a pair of trousers." 1 "HEUTE IST ES MITTWOCH.","Today it is Wednesday." 1 "German. (Pronounced VAHR)" 1 "German flags all round the HOTEL where you stay." 1 "GRAU ODER WEISS is": 1 "GOING GAY." 1 "GANGS of geese going around together." 1 "GANGS make you QUITE frightened." 1 "For masculine and neuter words, if the word is short add an E to make it plural, e.g. DIE HUNDE. If the word is long, leave it alone, e.g. DIE TELLER." 1 "For masculine and neuter words 'a' is EIN as in" 1 "For feminine words, perversely, the word 'the' is DER in this case." 1 "For feminine words, make sure the words end in EN in the plural - e.g. DIE KATZEN, DIE FLASCHEN." 1 "For feminine words, EIN has an E on the end EINE, and the E is pronounced like the E in HEN." 1 "For example, the gender for ": 1 "For example, SIE IST M 1 "For example, DER WURM WAR M 1 "Finally, the German for 'we' is WIR. (VEER)" 1 "FAIRIES getting ready to go off on holiday." 1 "FABRICS of different kinds being made in a facory." 1 "ES LIEBT DIE WEISSE KATZE. 1 "ES LIEBT DEN SCHWARZEN HUND 1 "ES LIEBT DAS GR 1 "ES IST SP 1 "ES IST GR 1 "ER MACHT EINE KLEINE KATZE.","He is making a small cat." 1 "ER MACHT DAS FEUER SEHR GROSS.","He makes the fire very big." 1 "ER LIEBT DAS SCHWARZE AUGE.","He loves the black eye." 1 "ER IST SEHR GROSS UND SEHR SCHWER.","He is very big and very heavy." 1 "ER IST SCHWARZ is 'He is black'." 1 "ER IST EIN GROSSER SOHN.","He is a big son." 1 "ER HAT ZWEI PANNEN, UND DER ZUGIST SP 1 "ER HAT EINE KLEINE NASE, UND SIE HAT EIN OHR UND EIN HERZ.","He has a small nose, and she has an ear and a heart." 1 "ER HAT EIN B 1 "ELEVEN ELFS playing football." 1 "EINE ZWIEBEL IST ROT.","An onion is red." 1 "EINE WURST IST GROSS.","A sausage is big." 1 "EINE SPINNE IST SCHNELL.","A spider is quick." 1 "EINE KATZE is 'a cat'." 1 "EINE FRAU is 'a wife'.": 1 "EIN VATER IST GROSS (A father is big)." 1 "EIN SCHWEIN for 'a pig'": 1 "EIN KOHL IST GR 1 "EIN HUND for 'a dog'": 1 "EIN EI IST GUT.","An egg is good." 1 "EIN APFEL for 'an apple'": 1 "E.g., you say in the masculine:" 1 "E.g. A dog is on the table. A dog is under the table. A dog is over the table." 1 "Do not worry about this. If you do make a mistake you will still be understood." 1 "DU HAST EINE KASSE.","You have a cash till." 1 "DU BIST SCHWARZ is 'You are black'. (to a friend)" 1 "DU BIST NUR KLEIN.","You are only small." 1 "DU BIST NOCH SEHR GUT.","You are still very good." 1 "DU BIST GRAU, BLAU UND ORANGE.","You are grey, blue and orange." 1 "DU BIST AUCH SP 1 "DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE ADJECTIVEENDINGS TO BEGIN WITH." 1 "DIE if the noun is feminine - DIE KATZE IST M 1 "DIE WOCHE WAR NICHT GUT, UND DAS JAHR WAR SEHR SCHLECHT.","The week was not good, and the year was very bad." 1 "DIE WESPE IST IMMER SCHNELL.","The wasp is always quick." 1 "DIE WEISSE HAND WAR KALT.","The white hand was cold." 1 "DIE UNTERTASSEN SIND GROSS.","The saucers are big." 1 "DIE UHR IS ROT ODER BLAU.","The clock is red or blue." 1 "DIE TOILETTE IST FREI ABER GEF 1 "DIE SCHWEINE UND DIE HUMMER SIND SEHR ROT.","The pigs and the lobsters are very red." 1 "DIE RAUPE IST LEER.","The caterpillar is empty." 1 "DIE RASEN UND DIE GARDINEN SINDSCHWARZ.","The lawns and the curtains are black." 1 "DIE POST UND DER DOM SIND AUF DEM STRAND.","The post office and the cathedral are on the beach." 1 "DIE POLIZEI IST MIT MEINER MUTTER UND MIT MEINEM VATER.","The police are with my mother and with my father." 1 "DIE KUH for 'the cow'. DIE is": 1 "DIE KNOCHEN SIND NASS, ABER DIEAUGEN SIND TROCKEN.","The bones are wet, but the eyesare dry." 1 "DIE KATZE IST KLEIN.","The cat is small." 1 "DIE KAMERA IST AUF DEM BETT.","The camera is on the bed." 1 "DIE HITZE GEHT DURCH DIE APOTHEKE.","The heat goes through the chemist's shop." 1 "DIE GANS IST M 1 "DIE FRAU IST SCHNELL, ABER DIE TOCHTER IST M 1 "DIE FLASCHEN SIND WEISS.","The bottles are white." 1 "DIE FERIEN SIND SP 1 "DIE ENTE IST M 1 "DIE BEERE ODER DER SAMEN IST HEUTE ROT.","The berry or the seed is red today. [note the word order for HEUTE]" 1 "DIE BANK IST OHNE GELD, UND DERFRISEUR IST SEHR TEUER.","The bank is without money, and the hairdresser is very expensive." 1 "DIE AUSBILDUNG IST SEHR KURZ.","The training is very short." 1 "DER if the noun is masculine - DER HUND IST M 1 "DER WEIN UND DIE MILCH SIND SEHR SCHLECHT.","The wine and the milk are very bad." 1 "DER VATER UND DIE MUTTER SIND SEHR SCHWARZ.","The father and the mother are very black." 1 "DER TEPPICH IST KLEIN UND BLAU.","The carpet is small and blue." 1 "DER TEICH IST NICHT MEHR HIER.","The pond is no more here." 1 "DER SESSEL IST ROT UND BRAUN.","The armchair is red and brown." 1 "DER PREIS IST SEHR TEUER.","The price is very expensive." 1 "DER MORGEN UND DER ABEND SIND BALD HIER.","The morning and the evening aresoon here." 1 "DER MARKT IST BILLIG, UND DIE SACHEN SIND SEHR SCH 1 "DER LACHS IST SCHNELL.","The salmon is quick." 1 "DER JUNGE LIEBT SEINEN SCHECK, UND DU LIEBST DEINEN VATER.","The boy loves his cheque, and you love your father." 1 "DER JUNGE IST HEUTE SEHR GUT.","The boy is very good today." 1 "DER HUND UND DIE KATZE LIEBEN ES.","The dog and the cat love it." 1 "DER HUND UND DAS SCHWEIN is": 1 "DER HUND IST LAUT?" 1 "DER HUMMER for 'the lobster'." 1 "DER HUMMER IST KLEIN.","The lobster is small." 1 "DER HIRSCH IST LAUT.","The deer is noisy." 1 "DER BRUDER UND DIE SCHWESTER SIND BALD M 1 "DER BODEN IST GROSS, ABER DIE K 1 "DER BERUF IST SEHR SCH 1 "DER ARZT UND DER ZAHNARZT SIND IN EINEM BERUF.","The doctor and the dentist are in a profession." 1 "DER APFEL UND DIE BIRNEN HABEN ES.","The apple and the pears have it." 1 "DEIN VATER IST GROSS (Your father is big)." 1 "DAS if the noun is neuter - DAS SCHWEIN IST M 1 "DAS ZIMMER IST ROT, UND DIE WAND IST KLEIN.","The room is red, and the wall is small." 1 "DAS SCHWEIN IST GROSS.","The pig is big." 1 "DAS RESTAURANT IST IMMER SEHR GUT.","The restaurant is always very good." 1 "DAS RAD UND DER AUSPUFF SIND BILLIG, ABER DEINE KUPPLUNG UNDDEIN REIFEN SIND TEUER.","The wheel and the exhaust are cheap, but your clutch and yourtyre are expensive." 1 "DAS PRODUKT IST SEHR TEUER, ABER NAT 1 "DAS PFERD UND DIE MAUS MACHEN ES.","The horse and the mouse make it." 1 "DAS PFERD IST GROSS.","The horse is big." 1 "DAS MUSEUM UND DAS HOTEL SIND AUF DEM BERG.","The museum and the hotel are onthe mountain." 1 "DAS KLEID IST NUR GR 1 "DAS IST LINKS UND DAS IST RECHTS.","That is left and that is right." 1 "DAS HAUS IST GROSS, UND DAS DACH IST SCHWER.","The house is big and the roof is heavy." 1 "DAS GROSSE OHR IST GR 1 "DAS FENSTER IST SCHWARZ.","The window is black." 1 "DAS BUCH IST IN DEM WALD.","The book is in the forest." 1 "DAS BILD UND DIS GARDINE SIND AUCH ROT.","The picture and the curtain arealso red." 1 "DAS BILD IST ORANGE UND GRAU.","The picture is orange and grey." 1 "DAS BETT UND DAS BRETT SIND SCHWER, ABER ER IST GANZ KLEIN.","The bed and the shelf are heavy, but he is quite small." 1 "DAS BETT IST GROSS ABER LEER.","The bed is big but empty." 1 "DAS BADEZIMMER IST KLEIN.","The bathroom is small." 1 "DA SIND SIEBEN TISCHE UND ACHT M 1 "Caution! The journey is always dangerous, and the cats are bad.","ACHTUNG! DIE REISE IST IMMER GEF 1 "COOKING beautiful cakes." 1 "CECIL B. de Mille, the film director, sitting in an armchair." 1 "CASH being put in the till." 1 "But of course, having learned with the help of these seeminglyodd sentences you can easily construct your own sentences to suit your particular needs.": 1 "But for neuter the adjective only is an E." 1 "But do not worry if you don't get it right, you will still be understood." 1 "Because plurals are very complicated in German, you will now be given a few simple rules which will be correct in the majority of cases. Don't worry about being wrong, however, as you will still be understood even if you make a mistake." 1 "BUTTER spread all over the German flag." 1 "BURNING a pear." 1 "BROWN paint on the German flag." 1 "BOATING on your wet floor." 1 "BLOOD on the German flag." 1 "BIN is the second word in both sentences." 1 "BENZINE for sale in a petrol station." 1 "As was said at the beginning, you will make mistakes using these rules, but you will almostalways be understood, and you will usually be right in any case." 1 "Another example is:": 1 "An egg and a sausage are here.","EIN EI UND EINE WURST SIND HIER." 1 "Am I big or empty?","BIN ICH GROSS ODER LEER?" 1 "All the other words have genderswhich agree with the sex, so they will be given here." 1 "After you have read the image you should think about it in your mind's eye for about 10 seconds before pressing <ENTER> to move on to the next word. "; 1 "AM SAMSTAG WAR ES GUT.","On Saturday it was good." 1 "AM DONNERSTAG MACHE ICH WEIN.","On Thursday I am making wine." 1 "AM DIENSTAG GEHE ICH IN DEN FLUSS.","On Tuesday I am going in the river." 1 "A white dog is green A black cat is green A green sheep is green" 1 "A potato and an onion are very big.","EINE KARTOFFEL UND EINE ZWIEBELSIND SEHR GROSS." 1 "A pear and an apple are brown.","EINE BIRNE UND EIN APFEL SIND BRAUN." 1 "A mushroom is very white.","EIN PILZ IST SEHR WEISS." 1 "A cabbage and a bean are only green.","EIN KOHL UND EINE BOHNE SIND NUR GR 1 "A big confusion arises because whether or not you use DEM usually depends on whether the previous verb is active or not." 1 "10RESTAURANT","05TABLE","06WAITER","03CUP","06SAUCER","06BOTTLE","05PLATE","05KNIFE","04FORK","05SPOON" 1 "103RESTAURANT","051TISCH","041OBER","052TASSE","102UNTERTASSE","072FLASCHE","061TELLER","063MESSER","052GABEL","061L 1 "09FURNITURE","06CARPET","07CURTAINS","03BED","08CUPBOARD","08ARMCHAIR","05SHELF","05PIANO","05CLOCK","07PICTURE" 1 "093RiZEHPASS","040GELT","100HANTKOFFER","050TSOLL","090TWALETTEH","060HERREN","060DAHMEN","031BuS","055owTOH","050TSOOG" 1 "091REISEPASS","043GELD","101HANDKOFFER","041ZOLL","082TOILETTE","067HERREN","057DAMEN","031BUS","043AUTO","031ZUG" 1 "090RESTORANT","040TISH","050OHBER","060TASSEH","111uNTERTASSEH","070FLASHEH","060TELLER","060MESSER","060GAHBEL","070LErFFEL" 1 "08PASSPORT","05MONEY","08SUITCASE","07CUSTOMS","06TOILET","09GENTLEMEN","06LADIES","03BUS","03CAR","05TRAIN" 1 "082QUITTUNG","052SACHE","062FABRIK","067FERIEN","051PREIS","061FEHLER","061LEITER","051MARKT","052KASSE","043B 1 "081QVITTuNG","064SAchEH","070FABREEK","070FAIRYEN","043PRiS","060FAILER","053LiTER","050MARKT","060KASSEH","060BooROH" 1 "081ARBEITER","051BERUF","041CHEF","101HANDWERKER","081BESITZER","102AUSBILDUNG","052FIRMA","063GEHALT","073PRODUKT","061SCHECK" 1 "080YANOO AR","090FEBROO AR","050MERTS","050APRIL","023Mi","060YOONEE","060YOOLEE","068owGuST","090ZEPTEMBER","080OKTOHBER","080NOVEMBER","100DEETSEMBER" 1 "07RECEIPT","05THING","07FACTORY","08HOLIDAYS","05PRICE","07MISTAKE","07MANAGER","06MARKET","09CASH TILL","06OFFICE" 1 "07LOBSTER","06SPIDER","03PIG","05GOOSE","04DUCK","04BULL","03COW","05MIDGE","04MOTH","11CATERPILLAR" 1 "07JANUARY","08FEBRUARY","05MARCH","05APRIL","03MAY","04JUNE","04JULY","06AUGUST","09SEPTEMBER","07OCTOBER","08NOVEMBER","08DECEMBER" 1 "07CAUTION","09DANGEROUS","10BE CAREFUL","04LEFT","05RIGHT","06VACANT","07ENGAGED","05WRONG","03WET","03DRY" 1 "07CABBAGE","04BEAN","06TOMATO","03PEA","05ONION","06POTATO","09VEGETABLE","08MUSHROOM","04PEAR","05APPLE" 1 "073FLEISCH","061KAFFEE","031TEE","061KUCHEN","052SAHNE","051SALAT","112SPEISEKARTE","052SUPPE","043OBST","043HUHN" 1 "073ARBiTER","060BEROOF","040SHEF","100HANTVERKER","080BEZITSER","108owSBILDuNG","060FEERMA","060GEHALT","071PRODUKT","040SHEK" 1 "071AchTuNG","104GEFAIRLIch","104FOHRSEEchT","050LINKS","064REchTS","033FRi","070BESETST","050FALSH","040NASS","070TROCKEN" 1 "070TSIMMER","140BAH DE TSIMMER","130SHLAHFTSIMMER","074KoochEH","045HowS","070FENSTER","044DAch","040VANT","060BOHDEN","064LEECHT" 1 "070SHVARTS","033ViS","040ROHT","050GRooN","050BROWN","045GRow","045BLow","077ORANgEH" 1 "070SHTRANT","060HITSEH","060KELTEH","051FLuSS","040VALT","040BERG","060KAMERA","050BREEF","076TSiTuNG","054BOOch" 1 "070SCHWARZ","050WEISS","030ROT","040GR 1 "070MOHNTAG","090DEENSTAHG","070MITVOCH","110DONNERSTAHG","073FRiTAHG","080ZAMSTAHG","080ZONNTAHG" 1 "070FAHTTER","061MuTTER","070BROODER","080SHVESTER","040MANN","045FRow","040ZOHN","074TOchTER","061YuNGEH","084MAIDchEN" 1 "070ACHTUNG","100GEF 1 "06WORKER","10PROFESSION","04BOSS","09TRADESMAN","05OWNER","08TRAINING","04FIRM","06SALARY","07PRODUCT","06CHEQUE" 1 "06PLEASE","06THANKS","09OF COURSE","04FINE","05SORRY","05SHORT","05CHEAP","04DEAR","04NICE","05NASTY" 1 "06MONDAY","07TUESDAY","09WEDNESDAY","08THURSDAY","06FRIDAY","08SATURDAY","06SUNDAY" 1 "06FATHER","06MOTHER","07BROTHER","06SISTER","07HUSBAND","04WIFE","03SON","08DAUGHTER","03BOY","04GIRL" 1 "06ELEVEN","06TWELVE","06TWENTY","11TWENTY-FIVE","07QUARTER","04HALF","05AFTER","06BEFORE" 1 "06DOCTOR","07DENTIST","06POLICE","14CHEMIST'S SHOP","11HAIRDRESSER","11POST OFFICE","04BANK","05HOTEL","06MUSEUM","09CATHEDRAL" 1 "063ZIMMER","103BADEZIMMER","123SCHLAFZIMMER","052K 1 "061STRAND","052HITZE","052K 1 "061HuMMER","080SHPINNEH","053SHViN","040GANS","050ENTEH","061BuLLEH","030KOO","060MooKEH","060MOTTEH","065RowPEH" 1 "061HUMMER","062SPINNE","073SCHWEIN","042GANS","042ENTE","051BULLE","032KUH","052M 1 "060RAHSEN","060BEEREH","070BLOOMEH","060VESPEH","045BowM","030AST","060ZAHMEN","042Tich","060HARKEH","100GEESKANNEH" 1 "060MooDEH","060SHNELL","045LowT","060GROHSS","040LAIR","043KLiN","060SHVEHR","060SHPAIT" 1 "060MONTAG","080DIENSTAG","080MITTWOCH","100DONNERSTAG","070FREITAG","070SAMSTAG","070SONNTAG" 1 "060MErBEL","074TEPPIch","090GARDEENEH","040BETT","060SHRANK","060ZESSEL","050BRETT","070KLAVEER","040OOHR","040BILT" 1 "060LEEBEH","060GAIBEH","060NAIMEH","060TOO EH","050ESSEH","060GAI EH","060HAHBEH","064MAchEH" 1 "060KARTEH","080BAHNHOHF","077GARAHgE","068owSPuF","060PANNEH","040RAHT","053RiFEN","071KuPLuNG","030ErL","080BENTSEEN" 1 "060JANUAR","070FEBRUAR","040M 1 "060FOI ER","040DEEP","130KRANKENVAHGEN","080TELEFOHN","060RAIGEN","060NAIBEL","040TOHT","040TooR","053RiZEH","070TREPPEH" 1 "060BITTEH","060DANKEH","104NATooRLIch","050SHErN","131ENTSHuLDIGuNG","051KuRTS","074BILLIch","060TOI ER","040NETT","074EHKLIch" 1 "05TIRED","05QUICK","05NOISY","03BIG","05EMPTY","05SMALL","05HEAVY","04LATE" 1 "05ONLY","04VERY","03YES","02NO","04ALSO","03NOT","05QUITE","04THIS","04THAT","05THERE" 1 "05BLACK","05WHITE","03RED","05GREEN","05BROWN","04GREY","04BLUE","06ORANGE" 1 "05BEACH","04HEAT","04COLD","05RIVER","06FOREST","08MOUNTAIN","06CAMERA","06LETTER","09NEWSPAPER","04BOOK" 1 "053FLiSH","050KAFAY","030TAY","074KOOchEN","060ZAHNEH","060ZALAHT","123SPiZEHKARTEH","061ZuPPEH","050OHBST","050HOOHN" 1 "053FEUER","041DIEB","121KRANKENWAGEN","073TELEFON","051REGEN","051NEBEL","031TOD","032T 1 "052KARTE","061BAHNOF","062GARAGE","071AUSPUFF","052PANNE","033RAD","061REIFEN","082KUPPLUNG","023 1 "051VATER","062MUTTER","061BRUDER","092SCHWESTER","041MANN","042FRAU","041SOHN","072TOCHTER","051JUNGE","073M 1 "051RASEN","052BEERE","052BLUME","052WESPE","041BAUM","031AST","051SAMEN","051TEICH","052HARKE","102GIESSKANNE" 1 "050WARUM","030WER","030WIE","030WAS","020WO" 1 "050VARUM","040VAIR","030VEE","030VAS","030VOH" 1 "050LIEBE","040GEBE","050NEHME","030TUE","040ESSE","040GEHE","040HABE","050MACHE" 1 "050KRANK","071SCHMERZ","071KNOCHEN","043HERZ","052BLASE","043AUGE","033OHR","042NASE","042HAND","043BLUT" 1 "050KRANK","070SHMERTS","074KNOchEN","050HERTS","070BLAHSEH","055owGEH","030OHR","060NAHSEN","040HANT","050BLOOT" 1 "050BITTE","050DANKE","090NAT 1 "050ARTST","100TSAHNARTST","073POLITSi","090APOTAIKEH","071FREESuR","040POST","040BANK","050HOTEL","081MOOSAIuM","040DOHM" 1 "04WITH","07WITHOUT","07THROUGH","07AGAINST","02ON","03FOR","05ABOVE","05UNDER","06BESIDE","02IN" 1 "04TIME","06SECOND","06MINUTE","04HOUR","03DAY","04WEEK","05MONTH","04YEAR","07EVENING","07MORNING","05TODAY" 1 "04SOON","04MORE","04MUCH","04GOOD","03BAD","06ALWAYS","05STILL","04HERE" 1 "04ROOM","08BATHROOM","07BEDROOM","07KITCHEN","05HOUSE","06WINDOW","04ROOF","04WALL","05FLOOR","05LIGHT" 1 "04MEAT","06COFFEE","03TEA","04CAKE","05CREAM","05SALAD","04MENU","04SOUP","05FRUIT","07CHICKEN" 1 "04LOVE","04GIVE","04TAKE","02DO","03EAT","02GO","04HAVE","04MAKE" 1 "04LAWN","05BERRY","06FLOWER","04WASP","04TREE","06BRANCH","04SEED","04POND","04RAKE","12WATERING CAN" 1 "04FIRE","05THIEF","09AMBULANCE","09TELEPHONE","04RAIN","03FOG","05DEATH","04DOOR","07JOURNEY","06STAIRS" 1 "043TSiT","081SEKUNDEH","080MINOOTEH","071STuNDEH","040TAHG","064VOchEH","060MOHNAT","040YAHR","060AHBENT","060MORGEN","060HOITEH" 1 "042ZEIT","072SEKUNDE","062MINUTE","062STUNDE","031TAG","052WOCHE","051MONAT","043JAHR","051ABEND","061MORGEN","050HEUTE" 1 "041KOHL","052BOHNE","062TOMATE","052ERBSE","072ZWIEBEL","092KARTOFFEL","063GEM 1 "041HuNT","060KATSEH","045MowS","070ELEFANT","050PFERT","041VuRM","060BEENEH","050HIRSH","030LAX","080FORELLEH" 1 "041HUND","052KATZE","042MAUS","071ELEFANT","053PFERD","041WURM","052BIENE","061HIRSCH","051LACHS","072FORELLE" 1 "041ARZT","081ZAHNARZT","072POLIZEI","082APOTHEKE","071FRISEUR","042POST","042BANK","053HOTEL","063MUSEUM","031DOM" 1 "040NOOR","040ZAIR","020YA","033NiN","049owch","064NEEchT","050GANTS","040DEES","030DAS","030DAH" 1 "040MEIN","040DEIN","040SEIN","030IHR","050UNSER","030IHR" 1 "040KOHL","060BOHNEH","080TOMAHTEH","060ERBSEH","080TSVEEBEL","090KARTOFFEL","080GEMooZEH","050PILTS","060BIRNEH","050APFEL" 1 "040HOOT","050SHOOH","060HOHSEN","040ROCK","040HEMT","043KLiT","060SHLIPS","060ZOCKEN","060MANTEL","070BLOOSEH" 1 "040EINS","040ZWEI","040DREI","040VIER","040F 1 "040BALT","040MAIR","040FEEL","040GOOT","074SHLEchT","050IMMER","044NOch","040HEER" 1 "040BALD","040MEHR","040VIEL","030GUT","080SCHLECHT","050IMMER","040NOCH","040HIER" 1 "03WHY","03WHO","03HOW","04WHAT","05WHERE" 1 "03ONE","03TWO","05THREE","04FOUR","04FIVE","03SIX","05SEVEN","05EIGHT","04NINE","03TEN" 1 "03MAP","07STATION","06GARAGE","07EXHAUST","08PUNCTURE","05WHEEL","04TYRE","06CLUTCH","03OIL","06PETROL" 1 "03ILL","04PAIN","04BONE","05HEART","07BLADDER","03EYE","03EAR","04NOSE","04HAND","05BLOOD" 1 "03HAT","04SHOE","08TROUSERS","05SKIRT","05SHIRT","05DRESS","03TIE","05SOCKS","04COAT","06BLOUSE" 1 "03EGG","05BACON","05BREAD","06BUTTER","03JAM","07SAUSAGE","06CHEESE","05WATER","04WINE","04MILK" 1 "03DOG","03CAT","05MOUSE","08ELEPHANT","05HORSE","05WORM","03BEE","04DEER","06SALMON","05TROUT" 1 "033iNS","043TSVi","033DRi","040FEER","050FooNF","030ZEX","060ZEEBEN","044AchT","040NOIN","050TSAIN" 1 "033MiN","033DiN","033ZiN","030EER","051uNSER","030EER" 1 "031HUT","051SCHUH","055HOSEN","041ROCK","043HEMD","053KLEID","071SCHLIPS","065SOCKEN","061MANTEL","052BLUSE" 1 "030NUR","040SEHR","020JA","040NEIN","040AUCH","050NICHT","040GANZ","040DIES","030DAS","020DA" 1 "030MIT","050OHNEH","051DuRch","060GAIGEN","035owF","040FooR","050ooBER","050UNTER","060NAIBEN","020IN" 1 "030MIT","040OHNE","050DURCH","050GEGEN","030AUF","030F 1 "030ELF","070TSVErLF","104TSVANTSIch","171FooNFuNTSVANTSIch","070FEERTEL","040HALB","044NAch","030FoR" 1 "030ELF","050ZW 1 "02MY","15YOUR (singular)","03HIS","03HER","03OUR","13YOUR (plural)" 1 "023EI","051SPECK","043BROT","062BUTTER","092MARMELADE","052WURST","041K 1 "013i","050SHPEK","050BROHT","061BuTTER","110MARMELAHDEH","051VuRST","060KAISEH","060VASSER","033ViN","054MILch" 1 "(uNT, with the u as in PUT)" 1 "(ZEE). So, SIE IST is 'she is'." 1 "(The I in ICH is pronounced EE)" 1 "('I love a pig' is ICH LIEBE EIN SCHWEIN.) 1 "('I love a dog' is ICH LIEBE EINEN HUND.) 1 "('I love a cat' is ICH LIEBE EINE KATZE.) 1 "'tired BUT small'." 1 "'the white dog is green' is DER WEISSE HUND IST GR 1 "'the dog AND the pig'." 1 "'that I am' is DAS BIN ICH." 1 "'pig' is neuter - DAS SCHWEIN.": 1 "'orange OR brown'." 1 "'heavy BUT empty'." 1 "'grey OR white'." 1 "'green AND black'." 1 "'cow' is feminine - DIE KUH.": 1 "'Your white gog is green' is DEIN WEISSER HUND IST GR 1 "'You have that' is SIE HABEN DAS" 1 "'You are heavy' is DU BIST SCHWER." 1 "'Yes, it is the dog' is JA, ES IST DER HUND." 1 "'We are black' is WIR SIND SCHWARZ." 1 "'Under the pig' is UNTER DEM SCHWEIN." 1 "'Under the cat' is UNTER DER KATZE." 1 "'Tomorrow I am the dog' is": 1 "'Today he is tired'": 1 "'They make it' is SIE MACHEN ES." 1 "'They do it' is SIE TUEN ES." 1 "'The white dog is green' 'The black cat is green' 'The green pig is green'" 1 "'The green pig is green' is DAS GR 1 "'The dog is noisy'." 1 "'The dog and the cat love it' isDER HUND UND DIE KATZE LIEBEN ES" 1 "'The dog and the cat have it'is DER HUND UND DIE KATZE HABEN ES." 1 "'The dog and the cat are black.'" 1 "'The cow is tired'." 1 "'The black cat is green' is DIE SCHWARZE KATZE IST GR 1 "'Over the cat' is 1 "'On the pig' is AUF DEM SCHWEIN." 1 "'On my pig' is AUF MEINEM SCHWEIN." 1 "'On my dog' (masculine) is AUF MEINEM HUND." 1 "'On my cat' (feminine) is AUF MEINER KATZE." 1 "'No, it is not the flower' is NEIN, ES IST NICHT DIE BLUME." 1 "'My white dog is green' is MEIN WEISSER HUND IST GR 1 "'My pig is big' is MEIN SCHWEIN IST GROSS." 1 "'My duck is big' is MEINE ENTE IST GROSS." 1 "'It loves your pig' is ES LIEBT DEIN SCHWEIN." 1 "'It loves the black dog' 'It loves the white cat' 'It loves the green pig'" 1 "'It loves my father' is ES LIEBT MEINEN VATER." 1 "'It loves my duck' is ES LIEBT MEINE ENTE." 1 "'It loves a white dog' becomes ES LIEBT EINEN WEISSEN HUND. 1 "'It loves a pig' is ES LIEBT EIN SCHWEIN." 1 "'It loves a green pig' becomes ES LIEBT EIN GR 1 "'It loves a father' is ES LIEBT EINEN VATER." 1 "'It loves a duck' is ES LIEBT EINE ENTE." 1 "'It loves a black cat' becomes ES LIEBT EINE SCHWARZE KATZE. 1 "'I love' or 'I am loving' is ICH LIEBE." 1 "'I love the pig' is ICH LIEBE DAS SCHWEIN. 1 "'I love the dog' is ICH LIEBE DEN HUND. 1 "'I love the cat' is ICH LIEBE DIE KATZE." 1 "'I love it' is ICH LIEBE ES." 1 "'I love a pig' is ICH LIEBE EIN SCHWEIN. 1 "'I love a dog' is ICH LIEBE EINEN HUND. 1 "'I love a cat' is ICH LIEBE EINEKATZE. 1 "'I am doing it' is ICH TUE ES." 1 "'He is late' is ER IST SP 1 "'A pig is big' is EIN SCHWEIN IST GROSS. 1 "'A pig is big' is EIN SCHWEIN IST GROSS." 1 "'A green pig is green' is EIN GR 1 "'A duck is big' is EINE ENTE IST GROSS." 1 "'A dog is under the table' is EIN HUND IST UNTER DEM TISCH." 1 "'A dog is on the table' is EIN HUND IST AUF DEM TISCH." 1 "'A dog is big' is EIN HUND IST GROSS. 1 "'A cat is big' is EINE KATZE ISTGROSS. 1 "'A black cat is green' is EINE SCHWARZE KATZE IST GR 1 "","a boxer writhing in pain." 1 "","","a boxer jumping onto a moving bus." 1 " given at this stage so you will understand why adjective endingsare different in different sentences. Whilst they are a bitcomplicated, they do follow strict rules so they can be learned quite easily." 1 " 10 seconds to image, you should press the <SPACE> key immediately AFTER you have read the image. 10 seconds later a new word will be presented automatically." 1 " 'I do it' is ICH MACHE ES." 1 " or three very simple words" 1 " FEW IMPORTANT VERBS TO LEARN.": 1 " DER TELLER is 'the plate' DIE TELLER is 'the plates'" 1 " THEY ARE VERY SIMPLE." 1 " 1 \ 1 M 1 H 1